Class UsmMIB.UsmTableRow

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable, MOMutableRow2PC, MOMutableTableRow, MOTableRow
Enclosing class:

public class UsmMIB.UsmTableRow extends DefaultMOMutableRow2PC
  • Constructor Details

    • UsmTableRow

      public UsmTableRow(UsmMIB.UsmTableModel model, org.snmp4j.smi.OID index, org.snmp4j.smi.Variable[] values)
  • Method Details

    • setCloned

      public void setCloned(boolean cloned)
    • isCloned

      public boolean isCloned()
    • getIndexDef

      public MOTableIndex getIndexDef()
    • getAuthProtocol

      public getAuthProtocol(MOTableRow changeSet)
    • getPrivProtocol

      public getPrivProtocol(MOTableRow changeSet)
    • getPrivProtocolOID

      public org.snmp4j.smi.OID getPrivProtocolOID(MOTableRow preparedChanges)
      Gets the OID of the privacy protocol defined by the given change set. If the change set defines UsmMIB.noPrivProtocol null is returned.
      preparedChanges - a TableRow instance with UsmTableRow values.
      a privacy protocol OID or null if no privacy protocol is defined by changeSet.
    • prepare

      public void prepare(SubRequest subRequest, MOTableRow preparedChanges, int column)
      Description copied from interface: MOMutableRow2PC
      Prepares changing a single column.
      Specified by:
      prepare in interface MOMutableRow2PC
      prepare in class DefaultMOMutableRow2PC
      subRequest - the sub-request that corresponds to the column change. This object can be used to deny the commit phase by setting its error status.
      preparedChanges - a MOTableRow instance that represents the state of the row if all changes have been applied successfully.
      column - the column index of the column to be changed.
    • commitRow

      public void commitRow(SubRequest subRequest, MOTableRow changeSet)
      Description copied from interface: MOMutableRow2PC
      Commits a row as described by the supplied change set. If the modification cannot be successfully committed, the error status of the supplied subRequest should be set to commitFailed. Setting this error should be avoided under any circumstances.

      This method is called only once per modified row.

      Specified by:
      commitRow in interface MOMutableRow2PC
      commitRow in class DefaultMOMutableRow2PC
      subRequest - the sub-request that triggered the row change and that can be used to trigger the undo phase by setting its error status.
      changeSet - a MOTableRow instance that represents the state of the row if all changes have been applied successfully.
    • getAuthProtocolOID

      public org.snmp4j.smi.OID getAuthProtocolOID(MOTableRow changeSet)
      Gets the OID of the authentication protocol defined by the given change set. If the change set defines UsmMIB.noAuthProtocol null is returned.
      changeSet - a TableRow instance with UsmTableRow values.
      an authentication protocol OID or null if no authentication protocol is defined by changeSet.
    • cleanupRow

      public void cleanupRow(SubRequest subRequest, DefaultMOTable.ChangeSet changeSet)
      Description copied from interface: MOMutableRow2PC
      Cleans up resources for a row.

      This method is called only once per modified row.

      Specified by:
      cleanupRow in interface MOMutableRow2PC
      cleanupRow in class DefaultMOMutableRow2PC
      subRequest - the sub-request that triggered the row change.
      changeSet - a MOTableRow instance that represents the state of the row if all changes have been applied successfully.
    • undoRow

      public void undoRow(SubRequest subRequest, DefaultMOTable.ChangeSet changeSet)
      Description copied from interface: MOMutableRow2PC
      Undos changes to a row.

      This method is called only once per modified row.

      Specified by:
      undoRow in interface MOMutableRow2PC
      undoRow in class DefaultMOMutableRow2PC
      subRequest - the sub-request that triggered the row change.
      changeSet - a MOTableRow instance that represents the state of the row if all changes have been applied successfully.
    • getValue

      public org.snmp4j.smi.Variable getValue(int column)
      Description copied from interface: MOTableRow
      Gets the value at the specified column index.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface MOTableRow
      getValue in class DefaultMOMutableRow2PC
      column - the zero-based column index.
      the value at the specified index.
    • containsHiddenValues

      public boolean containsHiddenValues()