Interface MOQuery

All Superinterfaces:
MOContextScope, MOScope
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultMOQuery, MOQueryWithSource

public interface MOQuery extends MOContextScope
A managed object query is used to lookup managed objects, for example in a MOServer repository.
Frank Fock
  • Method Details

    • getScope

      MOContextScope getScope()
      Gets the search range of this query.
      a MORange instance denoting upper and lower bound of this queries scope.
    • matchesQuery

      boolean matchesQuery(ManagedObject<?> managedObject)
      Checks whether a managed object matches the internal query criteria defined by this query.
      managedObject - the ManagedObject instance to check.
      true if the managedObject matches the query.
    • subtractScope

      void subtractScope(MOScope scope)
      Changes the query to no longer match (cover) the specified scope. If the query's scope is immutable (does not implement the MutableMOScope interface, then this method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
      scope - a MOScope instance that defines the range of OIDs that should be no longer in the scope of this query.
    • isWriteAccessQuery

      boolean isWriteAccessQuery()
      Indicates whether this query is issued on behalf of an intended write access on the ManagedObjects matched by this query. This information can be used to optimize query evaluation or to control resource allocation.
      true if this query is performed to change or create a managed object matching this query and false if the query is for read-only access on the matched managed objects.