AgenPro CHANGES =============== [2024-04-11] AgenPro 5.3.0 * Added: Simulation agent now supports SNMP4J-Agent-DB based database persistence to store changes persistently immediately when they are done. * Improved: Project Editor Wizard Step 2 table directly enters into name/value editor when a new row is added. Edit and Remove buttons are now updated according to the current row selection. * Improved: snmp4j-agentv3/java_module-info.vm template now generates a default module name 'snmp4j.agent' if no "package" property is defined on global (i.e., project level) or MIB module level. * Fixed: SimAgent stores its data when running while AgenPro is closed using File->Exit. * Fixed: Regression removed MD5, SHA, and DES security protocols from simulation agent. These protocols can now be used again, if needed. * Fixed: Simulation agent panel configuration was not persistently saved on application exit. * Updated: SNMP4J-Agent to 3.7.2 which brings a couple of improvements and fixes. Most important: 1. Simulation agent property file configuration now supports non-default context configurations. 2. Simulation agent now has a deadlock prevention, when SET requests are processed concurrently but contain a subset of the same OIDs in different order. 3. Fixes to the SNMP4J-LOG-MIB implementation to better support Java logging config. * Updated: OpenJDK included in installer to version 21.0.2. [2024-01-10] AgenPro 5.2.0 * Improved: AgenPro now prefers newer modules according to the LAST-UPDATED clause of the MODULE-INFO statement if for the same MIB module name there are several MIB files in the compilation list/path. "Compile New..." now prefers SMIv2 modules as newer over SMIv1 modules (without LAST-UPDATED clause) and SMIv1 modules will be overwritten by newly compiled MIB modules. * Improved: License agreement with relaxed license usage control measures. * Improved: SMI Extractor file handling to reduce number of concurrently open files. * Updated: RFC MIB modules are now updated to 2023-07 and have been restructured in mibs\ --agentpp --ietf\ --RFCs --RFCs-nok where the directory "RFCs" contains all MIB files with no errors (for a few MIB modules simple syntax errors have been fixed by AGENTPP) and the directory "RFCS-nok" contains MIB files with errors. Only MIB files from the folders "agentpp" and "RFCs" have been compiled into the completely rebuilt MIB repository "mibrepo-2023-07" which replaces the former "mibrepository" directory. After an upgrade, you do not need to switch your MIB repository path though, the existing one still works. * Fixed: MacOS and other updater processes were closed immediately after spawned by the update wizard because IO (stdout and stderr) was coupled with parent process which exit to allow update by updater. * Updated: OpenJDK included in installer to version 21.0.1. * Updated: Java code formatter (now 1.19.1) and other 3rd party dependencies to latest versions. * Removed: Obsolete "projects" directory from installation files. Sample projects are defined directly in the templates directory using *.jobs files. [2023-08-16] AgenPro 5.1.2 * Fixed: templates/snmp4j-agent-v3/java_module-info.vm and templates/snmp4j-agent-v3/maven_pom_xml.vm to use consistent package name in file and fixed syntax error in pom.xml about nested exclusions. [2023-07-28] AgenPro 5.1.1 * Fixed: Built-in code formatters caused runtime exception which blocked codee generation on newer JDKs because of missing javac exports. * Fixed: Upgraded dependency jackson-databind to fix potential vulnerability to CVE-2022-42003. NOTE: The affected code of the jackson-databind is not (directly) used in AgenPro. * Fixed: MacOS and other updater processes were closed immediately after spawned by the update wizard because IO (stdout and stderr) was coupled with parent process which is exited to allow update by updater. * Improved: AgenPro now prefers newer modules according to the LAST-UPDATED clause of the MODULE-INFO statement if for the same MIB module name there are several MIB files in the compilation list/path. "Compile New MIBs..." now prefers SMIv2 modules as newer over SMIv1 modules (without LAST-UPDATED clause) and SMIv1 modules will be overwritten by newly compiled MIB modules. * Updated: Google code formatter to 1.17.0. * Updated: OpenJDK included in installer to version 20.0.2. [2023-03-22] AgenPro 5.1.0 * Added: Project wizard now supports loading of jobs from predefined job template files located within the templates root directory with ".jobs" suffix. The standard .jobs files contains definitions for the template jobs (page 1 of the wizard) and properties (page 2). In addition, they could contain any config setting, except module specific settings (page 4 and 5 of the wizard). If the jobs settings contain properties defined on OIDs, i.e. configurations of the templates controlling the code generation itself (which methods are generated for which objects), these properties will be merged into properties already defined for the current project. * Added: AgenUtils.prefixLines for better formatting JavaDoc lines. * Improved: Updated Google Java Formatter to 1.15.0 and fixed JDK export of jdk.compiler/ * Improved: Added Search function to Log panel. * Updated: Simulation agent now uses SNMP4J 3.7.7 and SNMP4J-Agent 3.6.6. * Fixed [AGEN-78]: Simulation agent does not take "skip" and "filterOut" into account when registering objects. * Fixed: [AGEN-83]: Possible concurrent modification exception when clicking on generated files. * Updated: OpenJDK included in installer to version 20. * Improved: Removed empty line generation from properties template. * Improved: Defining "volatile" to "false" or "no" now sets the objects volatile attribute to false. [2021-02-19] AgenPro 5.0.1 * Fixed [AGEN-81]: Wrong formatting in AgenPro 5.0.0 C++ code that calls super class, caused by the following type of Velocity warning: "genSuperClassName: inline not allowed to replace existing VM" [2021-01-04] AgenPro 5.0.0 * New [AGEN-80]: Built-in generated code formatting for Java and option to configure custom code formatters that format from stdin to stdout (like clang-format for C++). * New [AGEN-54]: When importing a MIB, ask user to add it to the current code generation project. * New [AGEN-58]: Auto-completion of property keys in Properties panel. * New [AGEN-59]: Undo&Redo for properties editor pane. * New [AGEN-72]: AgenPro online software updates. * New [AGEN-73]: Support object filtering by arbitrary regular expressions on MIB OBJECT fields * New [AGEN-43]: Code generation preview with (object name change) migration support for preserving existing code. Preview displays count of used and missing code snippets as well as file changes. * New: Added Flat Look&Feel with support for Light and Dark mode. * New: Added -i option on command line to support positively defining MIB modules to generate (including regex support if @ prepended to the regex module name pattern). * New: Added -lenient option to compile MIBs with lenient error checking to avoid bailing out on incorrect MIB modules. However, code generation might fail/generate incorrect results if MIB modules generated or imported contain syntax errors. * New: Added -t option to set template root dir on the command line. * New: Added agenStringUtils.trim function to trim leading and trailing whitespaces in a special way to keep line formatting in first row by keeping leading whitespaces in the first row. * Fixed [AGEN-51]: SMI parser does not report not-accessible objects in the OBJECTS clause of notifications/traps as error. * Fixed [AGEN-52]: AgenPro MIB compiler does not check if an object is accessible in NOTIFICATION-TYPE's OBJECTS clause. * Fixed [AGEN-55]: Index definitions for table with AUGMENTS clause referring to MIB modules outside generation scope are generated as empty array. * Fixed [AGEN-56]: Value initialisation code is not generated for scalar objects with DEFVAL clause (SNMP4J-Agent). * Fixed [AGEN-77]: Table scrolling to min/max with mouse wheel did not work precisely on high resolution mouse wheels. * Fixed: Command line option -e did not generate valid paths if project file used \ and the OS uses / as path separation character. * Fixed: agent++4_x MibGroup OID generation for SMIv2 modules which now use the module OID instead the computed root oid. * Improved [AGEN-49]: Installer should check file checksums and ignore same files. * Improved: Output directory can be left empty now to directly generate to the project root directory. * Changed: Log panel with better performance and easier log copy access. * Updated: Simulation agent now uses SNMP4J 3.4.4 and SNMP4J-Agent 3.3.6. to add Diffie Hellman and TLSv1.3 and DTLS support and many other fixes. [2018-08-16] AgenPro 4.2.3 * Improved [AGEN-65]: AgenPro now detects if JavaFX is present and uses operating system's default browser to display help if it is not present or if the JRE system property com.agentpp.jfx is set to false (i.e., when running AgenPro with '-Dcom.agentpp.jfx=false'. [2018-05-08] AgenPro 4.2.2 * Improved [AGEN-64]: Compilation result dialog is now showing generated files in a clickable list. * Fixed: Default row height of some table views on Mac OS X does no longer lead to display the "row height too small icon" for each row. * Added support for noValueValidator="never" property for SNMP4J-Agent code generation to let AgenPro generate value validation classes even for read-only scalars and columnar objects. [2018-01-24] AgenPro 4.2.1 * Fixed [AGEN-63]: moScalar.addMOValueValidationListener is generated for read-only scalars when factoryScalars="none" which causes a compilation error because the listener class itself is not being generared (which is correct). [2018-01-22] AgenPro 4.2.0 * Improved: AgenPro now uses Velocity 2.0 instead of 1.7. Due to this upgrade, $stringUtils context has been removed. Please use $agenStringUtils instead. See upgrade instructiuons in the AgenPro help for details. In addition, the $velocityCount loop variable must be replaced by $foreach.count. All AgenPro templates have been updated accordingly. * Improved: Migrated JavaHelp to HTML5 help which provides better readability and performance. * Improved [AGEN-62]: Allow more fine grained MOFactory usage configuration for$ scalar and columnar objects in SNMP4J-Agent templates. The new property values "all" and "none" for factoryScalars and factoryColumn allow to completely control factory usage. * Added: Drag&drop MIB files on MIB tree panel to compile them into AgenPro's MIB repository and load them. Files that do not contain newer version of MIB modules of those already existing in the MIB repository will be ignored. * Added [AGEN-32]: Create new trap configuration for simulation agent easily with drag&drop from MIB tree into the Properties panel. * Improved [AGEN-36]: Minimize ValueConstraint object creation for Textual Convention based constraints. Constraints are now created once per TC instead for each scalar or column instance. * Improved [AGEN-37]: Default value for scalar OBJECT-TYPE defined enumerated values is not set as initial (default) value. * Fixed [AGEN-41]: Loaded MIB list is not refreshed when new MIBs have been imported using Compile (New) MIBs. * Fixed [AGEN-42]: List of loaded MIB modules is not refreshed regarding bold font for MIBs-to-be-processed by code generation. * Fixed [AGEN-47]: File names of job templates do not work on non-windows systems without manual change. * Fixed [AGEN-48]: file is not written every time the configuration changes. Now config is saved to disk, when project wizard is finished and when code generation is started. * Fixed [AGEN-50]: Log panel does not align and extend buttons correctly horizontally. * Fixed: Deadlock problem on MacOS X during startup of the GUI application. * Fixed [AGEN-62]: java_code.vm generates duplicate identifiers for "Identities" if there MIB contains several object definitions for the same OID. * Improved: cpp_code.vm for AGENT++ 4.0 templates now better allow to comment out augmented parent table references in user code. [2016-06-28] AgenPro 4.1.2 * Improved: SNMP4J-Agent 2.5 template agent main supports better custom MOFactory support and does not loger throw an exception if no parameters were given. * Fixed: Packing issue which caused a MethodNotFoundException when compiling MIBs with certain error(s). [2016-06-08] AgenPro 4.1.1 * Fixed: Regression in the user code parser for --AgentGen delimiters which removed the leading newline from the user code. [2016-05-08] AgenPro 4.1.0 * Added: SNMP4J-Model templates to generate SNMP command generator code (i.e., SNMP client/manager) providing a simple from/to String value mapping and a model cache. SNMP tables are modeled as tables. * Added: New code protection tags which support new comment types, for example, now also XML and make/properties file comments are supported. * Added: Support for default code generation, code is only generated if there is no user code available. * Improved: SNMP4J-Agent 2.5.0 code generation templates now also generate agent config properties, a default agent main class, and a pom.xml. The generated code is now ready-to-compile-and-run. * Changed: User code parsed from existing files is now already trimmed for trailing spaces. * Improved: Settings are saved when application is closed using the main windows x-button. * Fixed: On Mac OS X installation could hang due to a Swing deadlock while choosing the installtion directory. * Added: AgenUtils.getSubIndexInfo, AgenUtils.getMaxValueLength, AgenUtils.getMinValueLength. * Updated: SNMP4J-Agent implementing the built-in simulation agent has been updated to version 2.5.0. * Added: Option in simulation agent to reset persistent MIB data and the current config file for persistent data is displayed. * Changed: The default file name for persistent MIB data is no longer "AgenProAgenProSim.cfg". It is now "AgenProSim.cfg" like it is described in the manual. Also the boot counter filename has been fixed accordingly. [2016-03-28] AgenPro 4.0.6 * Improved: Settings are saved when application is closed using the main window's x-button. [2016-03-22] AgenPro 4.0.5 * Fixed [AGEN-40]: UnsupportedOperationException is thrown when using the -e command line option. * Fixed: Possible (rare cases) NullPointerException in SMI parser when checking SEQUENCE objects. [2016-03-17] AgenPro 4.0.4 * Fixed [AGEN-39]: Compiling MIBs by command line option -m and -a fails with NoClassDefFoundError. [2015-10-10] AgenPro 4.0.3 * Fixed [AGEN-35]: Syntax error in generated notification code for notification/trap variable bindings with BITS or numeric syntax with ranges. * Fixed [SFJ-102]: BITS syntax cannot be used in SMIv1 as textual convention. Added BITS to allowed syntaxes in SMIv1 (if used as self-defined textual convention). * Fixed [SFJ-108]: GETBULK with too fewer OIDs than specified non-repeaters and max-repetitions > 0 causes agent worker thread to die with an IndexOutOfBoundsException. * Fixed [SFJ-110]: SNMP4J MPv3 adds engine IDs to the local cache even if they are from a non-authoritative source. * Added: USM error codes for too long engine ID and too long security name. [2015-03-02] AgenPro 4.0.2 * Fixed [AGEN-33]: Popup search dialog selects entered text (characters) immediately on OS X which prevents entering more than one character. * Fixed [AGEN-34]: AGENT++ 4.x templates generate Opaque as syntax for SMI syntax Opaque although since AGENT++ 4.0 only OpaqueStr is defined. [2014-11-07] AgenPro 4.0.1 * Fixed: Impossible "Add Row" in simulation agent. [2014-10-20] AgenPro 4.0.0 * Improved: MIB Editor view with new error stripe and quick search panel. * Added: Simulation Agent Data panel to directly enter simulation data which can be even synchronized with Properties to generate initialization code. * Added: Nimbus look&feel support. * Improved [AGEN-26]: Sign JLNP files for even more secure WebStart feature. * Added [AGEN-22]: TLS support for the built-in simulation agent. * Added [AGEN-29]: Display MIB objects included in current project for code generation with bold font. * Updated: AgenPro 4.x uses Velocity 1.7 templates. Existing templates have to escape occurrences of "#define" with "\#define" because it is now keyword in Velocity 1.7. All provided templates have been updated. * Added: Start/stop toolbar button for simulation agent. * Added: Job/Project properties editor in project wizard (new step 2). * Added: AgenUtils.getFileSeparator * Added: AgenUtils.makeDirHierarchy * Added: Toolbar integrated search panel to quickly search the MIB tree. * Added: PIB module support. * Improved: Parser log dialog with new MIB editor including error stripe and improved error location marks. * Added: Lenient compiler mode option in new parser log to try lenient compilation after standard failed with errors. * Fixed: DEFVAL in SMIv2 can now be also a number for enumerations. * Fixed: SMI parser: Wrong error message for too long identifiers. * Fixed: Fixed missing SIZE element in Opaque syntax generation (during export). * Fixed: TableRelation generation (SNMP4J-Agent 2.3/2.0.5 templates). * Fixed: Multiple validation listener generation (SNMP4J-Agent 2.3/2.0.5 templates). * Fixed: TimeStamp columnar type generation (SNMP4J-Agent 2.3 templates). * Fixed: Clashes of enum labels with Java language elements: for, continue, break, etc. (SNMP4J-Agent 2.3/2.0.5 templates). * Added: $agenUtils.createHashMap * Improved: $ checks now also check the source module to avoid clashes with same name custom objects. * Improved: $scalars no longer contains readable table index objects. * Added: Quick search popup for wizard and other MIB module selection dialogs. * Added: Help button to wizard dialog to directly access the wizard's online-help. [2014-05-30] AgenPro 3.1.5a * Updated: Code signing certificate (now with time stamped validation). * Fixed: Return type for value_ok generated function in AGENT++ "by_selection" 4.x templates. * Improved: Added Permissons section in which is required by latest Java 1.7 WebStart. * Fixed: Several small fixes in the SMI parser. [2013-07-29] AgenPro 3.1.4 * Added [AGEN-23]: Code generation templates for AGENT++ 4.x and AgentX++ 2.x. * Fixed: [AGEN-20]: Added SNMP4J-PROXY-MIB to embedded MIB repository. * Improved: Start-up of command line version. [2012-03-26] AgenPro 3.1.3 * Fixed [AGEN-19]: Fixed SNMP4J-Agent 2.0.5 templates regarding instance creation with generics. * Updated: Maven plugin with improved dependency management. * Added: Tool to extract SMI (MIB) modules from RFC documents. * Fixed: Minor errors in the AgenPro manual. [2011-11-13] AgenPro 3.1.2 * Fixed: [AGEN-18] Template for SNMP4J-Agent 2.0 generates incorrect signatures for getValue and setValue methods of MOScalar sub-classes. * Improved: Template usage for tables, table models and scalars. [2011-10-18] AgenPro 3.1.1 * Fixed: Enumeration constructor call in snmp4j-agent 2.0 code generation templates. * Updated: License agreement. [2011-09-20] AgenPro 3.1.0 * Improved: AgenPro simulation agent now uses SNMP4J 2.0.2 and SNMP4J-Agent 2.0.4. * Fixed: [Agen-14] Support for context "tablesByDependencies" for latest AGENT++ templates to support object creation of tables with respect to their AUGMENTS dependencies. * Added: SNMP4J-Agent templates for SNMP4J-Agent 2.0.x. * Improved: After "Project->Open" the project wizard is opened to edit the settings of the opened project. * Changed: JRE 1.6 or later is now required to run AgenPro 3.1 or later. [2011-06-02] AgenPro 3.0.8 * Fixed: Error in MIBConfig.xsd schema definition for object identifiers. * Updated: Code signing certificate for Java Web Start. [2011-03-07] AgenPro 3.0.7 * Fixed: [AGEN-15] Loading of simulation data failed for recurring updates and NullPointerException could occur when loading without "name" attribute. * Fixed: [MDS-4] Unable to parse (non-lenient-mode) a MIB specification with DEFVAL clause for an OBJECT-TYPE with OBJECT IDENTIFIER syntax which refers to a MODULE-IDENTITY. * Fixed: [AGEN-16] module_init code generation template for AGENT++ did use supplied context for MIB object creation. * Fixed: [AGEN-17] Generate OBJECT-IDENTITY OID constants for SNMP4J-Agent (Java) code generation. * Added: "identities" context to code generation templates. [2010-07-27] AgenPro 3.0.6 * Fixed: Added missing file MIBConfig.xsd to installed files. * Fixed: [MDS-2] Error 1502 reported incorrectly on valid AUGMENTS forward references. * Fixed: [AGEN-12] Application fails to start when Nimbus Look&Feel is selected. Due to incompatibilities of the Nimbus LF with exisiting applications, a NullPointerException occurs with Java 1.6.0_20 and Java 1.7 Milestone 5. If such an exception occurs now, the System LF will be used instead to be able to start the application. [2010-06-21] AgenPro 3.0.5 * Fixed: [AGEN-10] Variable replacement for root directory settings in project panel did not work in GUI. * Fixed: Project file uses wrong property names for template and IO root directories. Since version 3.0.5 the correct names are used and project files are updated on-the-fly. * Fixed: SNMP4J-Agent 1.4 template for code generation used Java split method that caused code generation errors for named traps. The method now uses the already existing stringUtils.split method. [2010-06-07] AgenPro 3.0.4 * Fixed: [AGEN-8] NullPointerException during template execution when generating code for notifications using the SNMP4J-Agent 1.4 template. * Improved: [AGEN-9] If no root template and IO path have been set for a project, the AgenPro installation directory will be used as default. [2010-05-20] AgenPro 3.0.3 * Fixed: [AGEN-7] Regression (NullPointerException when accessing code generation templates) in 3.0.2 due to incompatible Velocity libraries. [2010-05-19] AgenPro 3.0.2 * Fixed: [AGEN-6] NullPointer Exception when running code generation jobs where not all paths are provided (regression of 3.0.1). [2010-04-10] AgenPro 3.0.1 * Fixed: [AGEN-5] Environment variables in project job configuration did not work for the AgenPro GUI. * Fixed: NullPointerException in AgenPro utils "isDefined" method. * Fixed: Added missing pom.xml to AgenPro Maven task source folder. [2010-02-22] AgenPro 3.0.0 * Added: Java WebStart (1.5+) support! * Added: Built-in simulation agent. * Added: SNMP4J 1.4 code generation supports value initialization and named trap/notification template generation. * Fixed: Removed Velocity warnings/errors about "null" assignments. * Added: MIB modules which are member of the current project are displayed with bold font in the modules list. * Added: Context menu in modules list, to open/close MIB modules and toggle their project membership. * Added: Maven-Plugin support. [2009-06-29] AgenPro 2.7.5 * Fixed: [AGEN-4] Incompatibility with some non Sun JDKs like the IBM JDK. [2009-05-28] AgenPro 2.7.4 * Fixed: [AGEN-2] NPE when clicking on "Add Job" when all jobs in a project have been removed with "Remove Job". * Fixed: [AGEN-3] MIB modules list is not refreshed if all modules are closed by "Load MIBs->Remove All" * Changed: "Per Selection" in project editor to "By Selection". * Fixed: Syntax error in textual convention code generated for SNMP4J-Agent 1.3 or later. [2009-05-22] AgenPro 2.7.3b - Added: Support for SNMP4J-Agent 1.3 TextualConventions. By using the new createInitialValue() method, creating valid initial values for scalars is now better supported. - Fixed: TC registration code did not properly differentiate between local and external TCs, so that local TCs were not always registered automatically. [2009-04-06] AgenPro 2.7.2a - Fixed: NullPointerException when opening project editor with JRE 1.6.0_13_b03 or later. [2008-10-22] AgenPro 2.7.2 - Fixed: System exit code was not 0 when parsing was OK using the -a command line option. - Improved: Parse errors are now listed in detail unless the -s option is used for silent compilation. - Changed: License dialog now uses a single text field to enter license and key in order to ease entering purchased keys as well as evaluation licenses. - Improved: Illegal object registrations of objects with status "obsolete" are ignored now. - Improved: INTEGER without range restriction or enumeration sub type is now allowed again (although RFC 3584 �2.1.1 does not recommend it). - Fixed: "x" can now be used as DESCRIPTION text. - Added: Checks for consistent DISPLAY-HINT usage in conjunction with TC SYNTAX. - Fixed: COMPLIANCE-MODULE checks regarding imported object groups and objects when used within current module compliance definitions. - Changed: Relaxed OBJECT IDENTIFIER assignment checks to allow such assignments below object registrations. - Fixed: Possible corruption of the MIB repository by duplicate module IDs. [2008-05-19] AgenPro 2.7.1 - Improved: template generates module getters. - Improved: Added parsed code snippet count displayed in log for "by selection" code generation mode. - Added: Template for debugging code merging issues in templates/debug. - Added: Generation of Enum classes for notification objects in SNMP4J 1.1 and 1.2 code templates. - Improved: Template select_1module1file.vm of SNMP4J 1.2 template set now checks if an object name exists before a corresponding selection is generated. [2008-04-16] AgenPro 2.7a - Fixed: Restored -r command line option when used in conjunction with the -a option. - Fixed: Built-in MIB modules loading. [2008-03-20] AgenPro 2.7 - Improved: Additional command line options to generate code without repository and custom config file in batch mode. - Improved: SNMP4J-Agent 1.2 templates that generate also the glue code to integrate the generated code into an agent. - Fixed: "x" can now be used as DESCRIPTION text. - Added: Checks for consistent DISPLAY-HINT usage in conjunction with TC SYNTAX. - Fixed: COMPLIANCE-MODULE checks regarding imported object groups and objects when used within current module compliance definitions. - Changed: Relaxed OBJECT IDENTIFIER assignment checks to allow such assignments below object registrations. - Fixed: Possible corruption of the MIB repository by duplicate module IDs. - Improved: MIB sorting for module compilation in command line mode. - Added: SNMP4J-Agent code generation property "package" to generate code for a specific Java package. - Added: SNMP4J-Agent code generation properties "useReference" and "reference" to use/override the content of a MIB objects REFERENCE clause in code generation to support the generation of generic instrumentation mappings. - Added: SNMP4J-Agent 1.2 templates and project generate a file to easily integrate generated MIB modules into an agent. - Improved: MIB repository verification and auto repair when a new MIB repository is selected. [2007-07-18] AgenPro 2.6.2a - Improved: SNMP4J-Agent templates to no longer generate references and code for internal TCs. [2007-07-02] AgenPro 2.6.2 - Added: Code generation wizard/configuration now supports generating code for all MIB modules available in the currently selected MIB repository. - Improved: MIBs are now loaded for each job separately. - Improved: #defines in AGENT++ 3.5.23 or later templates are now generate with module name prefix if withModuleName is activated (set to "yes"). - Added: SNMP4J-Agent templates now generate enum definitions for index objects too. - Improved: Textual conventions of imported MIB modules are now also generated by default to make the code independent. to deactivate this feature, define "localTCsOnly". - Fixed: Possible exception in agenUtils.getModuleName method call. - Added: Example templates for SNMP++ to generate a object name to OID mapping classes as C++ header files. [2007-04-28] AgenPro 2.6.1b - Fixed: Several small bugs in the java_code.vm template. [2007-03-18] AgenPro 2.6.1a - Added: TC default implementation generation. - Fixed: Duplicate index OID generation. - Improved: SNMP4J-Agent templates: AgentX compatible sub-index creation using MOFactory. - Added: SNMP4J-Agent templates: Textual convention support for column creation using MOFactory. - Updated: SNMP4J-Agent code generation How-To to reflect latest changes in SNMP4J-Agent 1.1. [2007-01-29] AgenPro 2.6b - Fixed: Built-in MIB modules had wrong module ID which could cause Velocity errors during code generation of the form "Invocation of method 'getModuleName' in class com.agentpp.agenpro.util.AgenUtils threw..." when the basic MIB modules had not been compiled into the MIB repository first. - Fixed: Progress monitor did not show up for "by selection" code generation projects like the default SNMP4J-Agent project. - Improved: MIB modules not loaded into MIB tree but referenced by code generation project are now automatically loaded during code generation. - Fixed: Built-in MIB module support broken in v2.6. - Added: AgenUtils.getProperties(..) and getPropertiesArray(..). - Improved: SNMP4J-Agent templates to use extended MOFactory support in v1.1. - Added: useStaticConst to avoid #defines in AGENT++ generated code. - Added: Serveral new properties to better control SNMP4J-Agent code generation. - Improved: AGENT-CAPABILITIES variations of the WRITE-SYNTAX are now considered for SNMP4J-Agent generation. - Added: AgenUtils.getVariation(..) to extract variation information in templates. - Fixed: Registering an object other than OBJECT-TYPE under a row/table object is now properly reported (RFC 2578 �7.10). - Fixed: UInteger32 is no longer accepted as base type since it has been removed from standard SMIv2 and must not be used any longer. If a MIB module makes use of it adding the line UInteger32 ::= Unsigned32 makes it parseable without needing to replace all occurrances of UInteger32. - Fixed: ::= SEQUENCE OF is no longer accepted. - Added: Check for conceptual row objects to register .1 object identifier under their table parent (SMIv2 only). - Added: Check for non OBJECT-TYPE registrations under an OBJECT-TYPE (RFC 2578 §7.10). - Fixed: Errors reported in log for SNMP4J-Agent code generation about null assignments. [2006-09-06] AgenPro 2.5.1 - Fixed: Problem with compiler log display (regression due to a packaging bug). - Added: Simulation agent generation support for SNMP4J-Agent 1.0. [2006-08-07] AgenPro 2.5a - Fixed: Errors reported while generating code for MIBs with NetworkAddress syntax and MIBs with TC definitions. - Added: AgenUtils.isTimeStamp(IObjectType ot) to check whether an object type's syntax is is the TimeStamp TC. - Improved: SNMP4J-Agent code generation templates now support more customization and SNMP4J-Agent 1.0 beta 5 or later. - Improved: Compiler log displays up to 50 errors for each MIB file at once. - Improved: MIB editor displays more than one error at once. [2005-09-21] AgenPro 2.1.4a - Added: Templates for AGENT++v3.5.23 and later with changed location of log.h include (now in SNMP++). [2005-06-23] AgenPro 2.1.4 - Fixed: MIB export was broken in v2.1.3 due to a packaging error (missing files). - Added: Code generation for SNMP4J-Agent traps and notifications. - Added: AgenUtils.createVector() and createHashSet(). [2005-04-20] AgenPro 2.1.3 - Added: An initial (alpha state) code generation project and template for SNMP4J-Agent Java SNMP agent API ( The initial version does not yet fully support round-trip code generation. - Added: -r option to command line interface which can be used to specify the MIB repository to be used for MIB compilation (-a option) or code generation. - Added: AgenUtils.makeUpperCamelCase and AgenUtils.makeLowerCamelCase - Added: AgenUtils.getEffectiveSyntaxID - Added: The various AgenUtils.asList conversition routines. - Updated: IETF and AGENT++ MIBs supplied in the mibs folder. [2004-10-11] AgenPro 2.1.2 - Fixed: Importing/Compiling an empty file could cause an unclosable & unusable MIB file editor window to be shown with JDK 1.4. - Improved: The basic SMI modules like SNMPv2-SMI do no longer be compiled (precompiled versions are already included). - Improved: SMI parser checks for default values, i.e. range checks. - Improved: SMI parser error messages. - Improved: SMI parser performance for MIB modules with many object definitions. - Added: SMI parser checks for syntax refinements. - Improved: SMI parser checks for MODULE-COMPLIANCE, and AGENT-CAPABILITIES statements. - Improved: SMI parser error messages. - Improved: SMI parser performance for MIB modules with many object definitions. - Fixed: MIB module sorting did not recognized import dependencies implied by MODULE-COMPLIANCE or AGENT- CAPABILITIES statements. - Fixed: If BITS is imported, now an error is reported by the parser. - Fixed: OBJECT clause was not correctly colored as clause for printing/syntax highlighting. - Fixed: Code generation templates did not generate compilable code if NetAddress syntax has been used. - Added: Support for SNMP++ namespace usage. [2004-02-09] AgenPro 2.1.1 - Added: New templates and projects that support the include file scoping of AGENT++v3.5.17 and AgentX++v1.4.9. - Fixed: RFC 2579 �3.5 is now ensured (textual conventions must not reference other textual conventions). [2004-02-09] AgenPro 2.1a - Fixed: Button group problem in the template editor. - Improved: Selected is no longer cleared when moving rows in the template overview of the project wizard. - Improved: When adding a new job to the project wizard, the values of the selected job are copied into the new job to facilitate cloning of jobs. [2004-02-02] AgenPro 2.1 - Added: Job type 'By Selection' and the corresponding templates in the agent++v3.5.10_by_selection folder. The new job type allows advanced users to select the objects to be generated for a file (context). - Improved: Online Help now uses JavaHelp 2.0. - Improved: Help content and PDF manual. - Added: Enable/Disable context menu now simplifies property editing. - Fixed: Display of property description did not work properly if properties were sorted. - Added: v3.5.10 or later templates now support Win32 DLL class decoration. - Improved: Output directories will be created if they do not exist. [2003-11-19] AgenPro 2.0.6e - Fixed: cpp_code.vm regarding generation of code for dependend tables that could cause crashes in generated agents during agent shutdown. [2003-09-10] AgenPro 2.0.6d - Fixed: start script. [2003-09-09] AgenPro 2.0.6c - Fixed: OCTET STRING and Opaque default value constructor was not generated with length value. - Improved: A dialog is shown when code generation completes successfully. [2003-09-04] AgenPro 2.0.6b - Fixed: Parsing of MIB module with module.object references where only one of the ambigous object name references is imported from another MIB module. - Fixed: When using AGENT-CAPABILITIES statement for generating agents, table objects where not generated. - Fixed: Problems with using AGENT-CAPABILITIES when MIB modules where not loaded that contained augmented tables. - Fixed: IpAddress default value constructor was not generated with length value. [2003-08-22] AgenPro 2.0.6 - Fixed: Typo in agenpro.bat file that made the command line version broken on Windows systems. - Improved: Leading and trailing whitespaces are now removed from filenames generated by Velocity templates. - Improved: Error reporting when code generation failed. - Improved: New MIB Deletion dialog that allows to delete several MIBs at once from the MIB repository. Deleted MIB modules are also removed from the MIB tree now. - Improved: MIB modules in MIB tree will be updated when you versions of those MIB modules are compiled into the MIB repository. - Fixed: Index referring to a scalar OBJECT-TYPE was not reported as a syntax error. - Fixed: Parser did not detect object references to not-accessible OBJECT-TYPEs in OBJECT-GROUP definitions. - Improved: Parse report printing now supports PDF, PCL, HTML and others output types, as well as font selection and paper size/orientation selection. - Improved: Error message when encountered a duplicate import source. - Improved: MIB file editor search dialog. - Fixed: Line separator in exported MIB modules were not consistent on all platforms. Mac line separator ("\r") is now also supported. To customize the line separator support, you may add -Dline.sperator="" to the java JRE command line of the AgenPro start script. [2003-05-27] AgenPro 2.0.5a - Improved: Velocity 1.3 template engine is now included in AgenPro2. - Improved: Online help. - Fixed: Alternative range restrictions were not generated correctly (in some cases only the first range restriction was generated). [2003-04-09] AgenPro 2.0.4 - Improved: Project path is now remembered. - Fixed: AgentX++ master project file ("agentX" property is now set to "no"). - Fixed: AGENT++v3.5.10 and later code generation template did not generate consistent code if the "leafSuperClass" property had been used. - Fixed: Duplicate identifiers in GROUPs where not detected by the MIB compiler. - Fixed: Wrong order of columns in SEQUENCE clause was not detected by the MIB compiler. - Added: Check for incorrect order of columns in a SEQUENCE clause. - Improved: Some minor issues in the online help. [2003-03-24] AgenPro 2.0.3 - Added: $agenUtils.isDateAndTime() which checks whether an OBJECT-TYPE uses the DateAndTime TC. - Added: $agenUtils.hasProperty(..) to easily check whether a value has been set for a node or any of its parents. - Added: Properties for super class names for leafs, tables, shared tables, complex tables, and notifications. This allows easy integration of customized intermediate classes. - Fixed: cpp_code.vm generated code to create table columns that were marked to be skipped from generation. - Fixed: cpp_code.vm did not generate correct code for AUGMENTing tables that refer to tables in the same MIB. - Added: MIB compiler checks to ensure that all INDEX sub-identifiers are not negative in SMIv2 modules. - Fixed: Preferences dialog needed to be closed twice when opened through menu. [2003-02-15] AgenPro 2.0.2a - Fixed: The MIB modules in the $modules and $moduleNames contexts are now sorted by their import dependencies. This fixes problems with augmenting tables that refer to tables imported from another MIB module. - Fixed: Default values generated for BITS. - Fixed: Generated value check for BITS. - Fixed: Missing newline in last line of includes_code.vm template. - Improved: Moved modules_init.h from "src" to "include" directory for v3.5.10 project. - Added: IModule.imports(), IModule.getImportSources(), $agenUtils.getModuleName(), $agenUtils.getModule() - Fixed: Generation of table listener for augmenting tables when generation option "withModuleName" was used. [2003-02-04] AgenPro 2.0.1c - Added: New templates for AGENT++v3.5.10 or later, which now generate unified code for notifications. [2003-01-21] AgenPro 2.0.1b - Fixed: MibTable::set_row generation used wrong index to access columnar objects (ccp_code.vm). - Fixed: Property inheritance did not work properly for multiple redefinitions of the same property. [2003-01-07] AgenPro 2.0.1 - Added: MIB files contained in ZIP files can be compiled directly from archives. - Added: File/Add MIBs... menu option allows to compile only those files in directories, ZIP archives, and files that are not already available in the current MIB repository. - Added: Importing two object names with the same name from two different MIB modules is now fully supported. The . notation is now correctly parsed and generated. - Added: Notation " { } DEFINITIONS BEGIN" for SMIv1 MIBs is no longer rejected. - Added: Some additional error checks regarding IMPORTS clause. Modules may be referenced once only. Notifications and traps may not be imported at all. - Added: Recent SMIv2 MIB files (RFC3411-3419, RFC3434-3435, RFC3440) - Fixed: Notification classes for AgentX++ subagents were incorrectly derived from NotificationOriginator. [2003-01-03] AgenPro 2.0c - Fixed: Compilation problems with notification code generated for AgentX++ subagents. - Fixed: Missing code generation for notifications. - Fixed: Added "notifications" context description to online help. - Fixed: Generation of enumerations labels was missing in the initial release. - Fixed: Generation of IpAddress default values was broken. - Fixed: Generation of value_ok method for unsigned integer values. - Fixed: Several other minor issues.