MIB Explorer CHANGES ==================== [2024-05-27] MIB Explorer 5.2.1 * Fixed: Browse Panel did not report finished SET requests correctly in Status Bar, although the request itself was processed correctly. * Fixed: Popup search dialog did not use look&feel (i.e., dark mode) specific background for search text field. [2024-05-02] MIB Explorer 5.2.0 * Updated: OpenJDK included in installer to version 21.0.2. * Updated: Flat look-and-feel to version 3.3 (without native libraries). To add native libraries you need to manually copy them into the applications library path and add the line flatlaf.useNativeLibrary=true in your config properties file. * Added: Flatlaf macOS Light and Dark look&feel. * Changed: Colors in MIB tree and other panels to better support dark mode and improve contrast with background/foreground colors. * Improved: MIB Explorer now prefers newer modules according to the LAST-UPDATED clause of the MODULE-INFO statement if for the same MIB module name there are several MIB files in the compilation list/path. "Compile New..." now prefers SMIv2 modules as newer over SMIv1 modules (without LAST-UPDATED clause) and SMIv1 modules will be overwritten by newly compiled MIB modules. * Updated: RFC MIB modules are now updated to 2023-07 and have been restructured in mibs\ --agentpp --ietf\ --RFCs --RFCs-nok where the directory "RFCs" contains all MIB files with no errors (for a few MIB modules simple syntax errors have been fixed by AGENTPP) and the directory "RFCS-nok" contains MIB files with errors. Only MIB files from the folders "agentpp" and "RFCs" have been compiled into the completely rebuilt MIB repository "mibrepo-2023-07" which replaces the former "mibrepository" directory. After an upgrade, you do not need to switch your MIB repository path though, the existing one still works. * Fixed: MacOS and other updater processes were closed immediately after spawned by the update wizard because IO (stdout and stderr) was coupled with parent process which is exited to allow update by updater. * Improved: Trap Receiver panel trap deletion performance improvement and option to delete traps faster without Undo using Shift modifier. * Fixed: Auto-inhibition value is now preserved and correctly shown in Trap Panel settings dialog. * Fixed: Incomplete table retrieval for second and following rows if table has columns without any values, number of columns is greater than the number of rows, and maxColsPerPDU is set to 1 and maxRepetitions is set to 1..rowsInTable-1 too. [2023-11-07] MIB Explorer 5.1.0 * Fixed: Set on scalar instance object did not work (it tried to set the object type instead without .0 suffix). * Fixed: Search panel tool tips and history button popup now opening again on first click to history button. * Fixed: When transposing tables in Table View with a single target rows/columns were hidden (workaround to display them again was to disable filtering). * Fixed: MIB Table View committing by row failed to send SET PDU when row contained unset (null) values because row has not defined any default values and they have not been set yet. * Fixed: Trap panel displayed wrong tap counts if all traps were deleted using Ctrl-A (select all). In addition, after the deletion the first new trap was rendered as a frozen row in the table. * Fixed: TLS preferences about accepted Distinguished Names (DN) newly added rows were displayed with minimal height. * Fixed: Display of "Advanced Edit Mode" in Target editors key localization dialog is now activated permanently if there is no engine ID set for the target. * Fixed: Background of Community field in Target editor changed background color on some look&feels when moving focus to other fields. * Fixed: Display of version column in Target editor did not display correct version for v3 /USM and /TLS. * Fixed: Tooltip and labels of the Log panel priority fields. * Fixed: Help display if Internet connection is not available. * Fixed: Search on browse panel now finds matches too, that match only on display values, for example, if searching for "ena", now enumerated values like "enabled(1)" will match too. * Improved: Search tree starts from first node when using Down button and from last node if Up button is used without any selected node in the tree. * Improved: For new rows created in MIB Table View, createAndGo(4) will be set as default RowStatus (if such a column is present in that table). * Improved: Starting from v5.2.0, non-localized USM Users might only be located for outgoing messages by default. Only if the user is marked as principal, a localization for incoming messages will be executed. * Added: Incremental search popup to MIB Set editor. * Added: Apply button in Target editor to immediately save config changes. [2023-01-13] MIB Explorer 5.0.9 * Updated: OpenJDK included in installer to version 19.0.1. * Updated: Internal dependencies to eliminate known CVEs on third-party packages. * Fixed: Closed TLS/TCP transport mappings could prevent sending any response message to newly created connections. * Improved: Table row instances for rows fully received from the agent, but last column is not returned by the agent (i.e., a sparse table with missing last column) are now returned immediately, if Table view detect, that the last column is empty. Before, all rows were cached until the whole table was fully retrieved in this case. [2022-06-24] MIB Explorer 5.0.8 * Updated: OpenJDK included in installer to version 18.0.1. * Changed: Removed OpenJFX support for the online help. If your OS does not provide a HTML browser, please visit https://www.agentpp.com/help/mxp/5.0.0/index.html * Fixed: Possible busy loop on writable key if outAppBuffer is there for a socket entry (= remote address) but contains no data to be sent. * Fixed: Concurrent reconnect (TCP,TLS) to use existing connect instead of always replacing it by new connection. * Fixed: TLS session not closed if inbound is done by TLS 1.3 remote (i.e., because of a TLS version mismatch). * Fixed: Possible race condition in Snmp.send() which could return null as ResponseEvent if the response was received shortly after the request timed out. * Improved: TLS handshaking "key is writable" looping when waiting for agent handshake response is now suppressed. * Added: TLS contextEngineID discovery cache to avoid rediscovery of context engine IDs for an address using RFC 5343 mechanism as long as the TLS connection to that address remains open. * Fixed [SFJ-245]: Possible Deadlock in Snmp.PendingRequest.resendRequest on behalf of (D)TLS context engine ID discovery. * Fixed: Concurrent modification Exception when iterating over results of TreeUtils.walk when agent returns noSuchName error status on SNMPv1 request. * Improved: Invalid as signed encoded 9 byte 64bit unsigned integer 64bit values will not be decoded by BER.decodeUnsignedInt64 anymore. Instead invalid length exception is thrown. * Fixed: Bug in DTLSTM.HandshakeTask.run() which caused DTLSTM handshake not to finish within timeout causing connect to fail or to be slow. * Fixed: Possible race condition in AbstractSocketEntry.nextBusyLoop. * Fixed: Clean TLS session closing with TLSTM.SocketEntry.closeSession() (regression since 3.0.6) and improved INFO logging when session is closed. * Fixed: NPE in DefaultTlsTmSecurityCallback if local fingerprint is null. * Fixed: Possible NPE when sending TLS message without tmStateReference. * Fixed: Deprecated warnings regarding X500 certificates getSubjectDN and getIssuerDN. * Added: UsmUserEntry.setOwnerReference(Object) and UsmUserEntry.getOwnerReference(Object) to mark the origin of UsmUserEntry instances during creation and event processing to avoid cyclic event processing. * Improved: Removed busy wait in DTLSTM.SocketEntry. * Improved: Transport state event sending for closed connections that are closed via TLS messages but not (yet) via closed TCP connections. * Fixed [SFJ-244]: Removed secret information (keys and passwords) from any log output (by default). To re-activate log output, use SNMP4JSettings.setSecretLoggingEnabled(true). * Added: Default non-printable character support for OctetString.toString(). * Added [SFJ-243]: Add OSCP/CRL X500 certificate revocation checking support to SNMP4J (D)TLS. Use System.setProperty("com.sun.net.ssl.checkRevocation", "true"); Security.setProperty("ocsp.enable", "true"); to activate OSCP and use TLSTM.setX09CertificateRevocationListURI(..) to activate CRL checking. * Added: Support for SHA384 and 512 to TLS cert fingerprint processing. [2021-05-03] MIB Explorer 5.0.7 * Updated: OpenJDK included in installer to version 16.0.1. * Fixed [SFJ-238]: Zero size packets send to TCP/TLS trap receiver let the receiver port stop accepting new connections. * Fixed [MXP-97]: Sending SNMP requests using a TLS target created with MIB Explorer Pro 5.0 or later failed with exception because the no longer needed security name was not set though some internal code still tested for its existance. [2021-04-12] MIB Explorer 5.0.5 * Improved: Column resizing of Table View and Browse Panel affects resized column only - not all columns evenly. * Fixed: Regression in 5.0.4 regarding not displayed UI Input field SNMPv3 user settings dialogs for octet string input (i.e. security name, authentication keys, etc.). * Updated: Upgraded bundled OS installer OpenJDK to 16. [2021-01-27] MIB Explorer 5.0.4 * Fixed: Performance regression in Browse Panel and MIB Table view if many rows are retrieved. * New: Added new Look&Feel with support for a flat light. This new look&feel is the default now, if no L&F has been set yet. [2021-01-05] MIB Explorer 5.0.3 * Fixed [MXP-96]: SET Dialog generates wrong OID (with .0 after object ID and before row index) on some columnar instances. * Fixed: Table scrolling to min/max with mouse wheel did not work precisely on high resolution mouse wheels. * Updated: SNMP4J to 3.4.4. * Updated: Upgraded bundled OS installer OpenJDK to 15.0.1. [2020-10-12] MIB Explorer 5.0.2 * Fixed [MXP-95]: USM Key Change dialog did not allow to change authNoPriv authentication keys. * Fixed: Possible endless wait in walk operations if IO exception occurs before actually sending the first SNMP request (e.g. when using a misconfigured target). * Fixed [SFJ-231]: TCP transport mappings leaked socket entries on IOExceptions like BrokenPipe. (D)TLS transport was not affected bug this bug. [2020-07-29] MIB Explorer 5.0.1 * Fixed: Update operation change dialog failed to update any accompanied files if user changed an operation for a file. * Updated: Upgraded bundled OS installer OpenJDK to 14.0.2. [2020-06-30] MIB Explorer 5.0.0 * Added [MXP-83]: New DTLS support with Java 9 or later dependency based on SNMP4J 3.4.2. * Added [MXP-81]: MIB Explorer now supports online software updates which updates MIB Explorer in place. * Added [MXP-84]: Added Diffie Hellmann key change and kickstart support. * Added [MXP-85]: Instant search for packet analysis. * Fixed [MXP-80]: Search MIB Repository dialog fails to search with NullPointerException with option "All". * Added [MXP-78]: Packets panel Save As operation is now able to save (selected) decoded packets as text file. * Improved [MXP-76]: When new packets are analysed, then the first of those should be selected. * Improved [MXP-63]: Check if a SNMPv3 user already exists in target before trying to create the user. * Added [MXP-55]: Trap Receiver panel should allow configuring a delay for INFORM responses, which allows to test/debug agent performance on simulated slow networks. * Added [MXP-86]: Copy cell content support using Ctrl- in Packets panel's packet list. * Added [MXP-87]: Create VACM group entry in agent automatically as copy of current user when new user is created as option. * Fixed [MXP-78]: Tree icon for OBJECT NAME MIB objects changed to instance icon in some cases. * Removed: Monitor DB support, internal HTTP server and command line monitoring functions because there were too few users actually using it. * Fixed: Transport protocol display for DTLS and TLS in Packets analyzer. * Added: Hide passwords in SNMPv3 user creation/modification panel. * New: Target editor with direct SNMPv3 user support (now there is no need to create an USM user and link it to a target, instead SNMPv3 user crednetials can be directly saved with the target. This additional approach simplifies password handling - especially when targets are using the same security name but different passwords. * Fixed: Nimbus LF class to be compatible with Java 9 or later. * New: Log panel with better performance and easier log copy access. * Removed: Log4j dependency (including email sending support for log events) and replaced it by Java logging. * Added: Packet panel can be now configured using -Click on Capture button to start capturing packets on application start. * Added: TLSv1.3 support. * Improved/Fixed: TLS support. * Improved [SFJ-208]: Performance of AuthGeneric.passwordToKey can be improved by using 1MB HMAC buffer instead of 64 bytes. * Improved [SFJ-209]: Improve MPv3Cache performance for high load multi-threaded message processing. Cache now scales with O(2) instead O(n) where n is the number of concurrently pending requests. * Fixed [SFJ-189]: Race condition in ThreadPool which could block task execution. * Fixed [SFJ-190]: DefaultUdpTransportMapping throws exception and blocks ListenThread shutdown on incoming packet after shutdown. * Fixed [SFJ-191]: TLSTM does not reassemble TLS fragments sent as more than one TCP packet correctly (i.e. SSLEngine BUFFER_UNDERFLOW not handled correctly) * Fixed [SFJ-192]: TLSTM is not able to parse fragmented TLS packets if two or more fragments are received in one TCP packet. [2018-08-16] MIB Explorer 4.3.2 * Improved [MXP-77]: MIB Explorer now detects if JavaFX is present and uses operating system's default browser to display help if it is not present or if the JRE system property com.agentpp.jfx is set to false (i.e., when running Explorer with '-Dcom.agentpp.jfx=false'. * Updated SNMP4J to v2.6.3: * Fixed [SFJ-164]: DefaultTcpTransportMapping fails to reconnect immediately to the same address and port. * Fixed [SFJ-160]: TableUtils returns a "wrong order" false positive error for single row tables when using GETBULK [2018-01-06] MIB Explorer 4.3.1 * Fixed [MXP-75]: Application stops working after installation message box on some Mac OS X installations (i.e. Java 8/9 High Sierra on MacBook Pro 13"). * Fixed [MXP-74]: Table view returns a "wrong order" false positive error for single row tables with GETBULK and maxRepetitions > 1. * Improved: Installation now check also asks to install accompanied files when directory of previous installation is missing or no longer set in the configuration. [2017-12-08] MIB Explorer 4.3.0 * Fixed [MXP-71]: Always use GETNEXT instead of GETBULK setting remains active when multi-threaded column retrieval is activated (regression from 4.2.0). * Added [MXP-69]: Provide option to cancel SNMP engine ID discovery in target editor. * Added [MXP-70]: Add option in TCP and TLS transport mapping settings to control the TCP timeout. * Added [MXP-68]: Support MIB walk (i.e. browse from selected node until endOfMibView) in the same way as subtree "browse" today. * Added [MXP-73]: Replace "mib" context in scripting engine with new "smi" context that is based on SNMP4J-SMI-PRO. * Improved: Default setting in Settings dialog is no "General". * Improved: API documentation of the scripting engine is new available from the application. * Improved [MXP-72]: Replace JavaHelp with a HTML5 based help system to better support high resolution displays and to provide better layout and performance. * Added: Ctrl-C on statistics table dialog copies the selected content to the clipboard. * Fixed: Pro edition: Scripts tab's Save buttons where disabled although script code has been changed. * Improved: Packet Analyze function now also supports analysing multiple packets and once. [2017-09-06] MIB Explorer 4.2.1 * Fixed: Replaced SNMP4J 2.5.7 by 2.5.8 to fix exception thrown if empty OCTET STRING variable is decoded at the end of a SNMP packet. [2017-08-17] MIB Explorer 4.2.0 * Fixed [MXP-65]: Mac OS X with system look&feel (Nimbus): Dialog to choose installation directory is not shown and application hangs. * Added [MXP-66]: Multi-threaded column retrieval for wide tables. * Improved: Installer now checks if already installed file is the same and skips it during installation/upgrade automatically. (enabled by default, can be disabled in Preferences->General). * Improved: Online help updated. * Known issue: Context help is not working under Mac OS X with Nimbus look&feel. [2017-02-13] MIB Explorer 4.1.9 * Fixed [MXP-64]: New SNMPv3 USM user information from SNMPv3 password change wizard gets lost. * Fixed: Possible NPE during password changing, if agent does not respond when getting usmSpinLock.0 value. * Fixed [MXP-58]: Use system (i.e. Nimbus on MacOS) look&feel instead Metal on initial start-up. [2017-02-06] MIB Explorer 4.1.8 * Fixed [MXP-62]: Target configuration update does not update last edited field and sets current target wrong if selection boxes have been used in target detail editor. * Fixed [MXP-54]: Received INFORM PDUs appear in the Log panel sometimes as received traps. * Fixed: Authentication and privacy protocol identification in SNMP PDU log messages of the log panel (SHA-2 and scpecial AES >128 implementations). [2017-01-19] MIB Explorer 4.1.7 * Fixed [MXP-54]: Table view and script based table retrieval does not support SNMPv3 contexts and context engine IDs. [2017-01-08] MIB Explorer 4.1.6 * Fixed [MXP-53]: SHA384 and SHA512 authentication protocols used message block size of 64 instead 128 (as defined by RFC 6234 section 6.4). * Improved: Packet panel now also accepts hex strings delimited by spaces for SNMP packet analysis. [2016-09-13] MIB Explorer 4.1.5 * Fixed [MXP-52]: MIB Explorer sends GETNEXT PDU with error-status != 0. (Regression in MIB Explorer 4.0) [2016-04-25] MIB Explorer 4.1.4 * Improved: Settings are saved when application is closed using the main window's x-button. * Improved: Warning message about unsupported security protocol will not be shown anymore, if protocol is empty (non-selected) but a password is given. * Improved: Better readability of notification nodes in the MIB tree using higher contrast color. * Improved: 64x64 icon sharpness. * Added: SMI syntax error checking for negative ranges for unsigned numeric values. * Fixed: NPE could occur in SMI parser when checking SEQUENCE constructs (strict parsing only). * Fixed: Possible NullPointerException in IMPORT check (strict parsing only). [2016-02-24] MIB Explorer 4.1.3 * Fixed: Security protocol check in Edit->Create/Modify SNMPv3 User did not work since version 4.0. * Added: A privacy protocol OID mapping in Preferences->SNMPv3 to specify custom OID identifier for non-standard privacy protocols like AES192, AES256, AES192- and AES256-With3DESKeyExchange. MIB Explorer uses by default the OIDs define in the OOSNMP-USM-MIB, but now you can speficy your own now. * Improved: In the Packets panel you can now also select OIDs in the MIB tree where only a prefix of the OID is available in the MIB tree. * Added: OID and other variable values can be copied to the clipboard by double clicking in the Packets Message tree. [2016-02-23] MIB Explorer 4.1.2 * Fixed: Added missing SHA-224 and SHA-384 authentication protocols. * Fixed: MIB Explorer Pro SNMPv3 password change panel now also supports SHA-2 authentication protocols. Note: Oracle JVM does not support SHA-224 by default. * Fixed: Regression (since 4.1.0) in USM user profile name editor which did not allow to edit the name of the profile in the table using the "Edit Name" context menu item. * Added: Warning messages if selected target uses authentication or privacy protocols that are not available in the current Java Runtime Environment (JRE). [2016-02-15] MIB Explorer 4.1.1 * Fixed: When adding a new target and changing its name immediately, the changed name was not updated in the target editor form. * Fixed: Packing error in MIB Explorer 4.1.0 Lite. [2016-02-12] MIB Explorer 4.1.0 * Added [MXP-44]: AES-128 encryption of passwords and communities in MIB Explorer config file using a master password. * Added [MXP-45]: SHA-2 authentication protocol support as defined by RFC 7630. * Added [SFJ-116]: Improved performance of table view refresh for sparse tables (up to 7 times faster). * Added [MXP-51]: Added support for Log panel table. * Improved [MXP-50]: Target and USM users can now also be edited using a form. * Added [MXP-48]: Duplicate USM user function in Target editor dialog. * Improved: The limit for browsed variables in the MIB tree now also applies to the Browse panel. * Improved: Test target (address) connectivity from the Target Configuration menu now also supports Ping and uses the currently selected target (not the active target). * Fixed: Incoming TCP SNMP messages were not accepted if their SNMP header (first 6 bytes) was fragmented. [2015-02-02] MIB Explorer 4.0.2 * Fixed [MXP-40]: Changed column sizes in table view are not retained across a refresh of the table. Column sizes are retained between refreshes if they have been saved once (and not reset to defaults). * Fixed [MXP-41]: Missing examples in installation directory. * Fixed [MXP-39]: Popup search dialog selects entered text (characters) immediately on OS X which prevents entering more than one character. * Fixed [MXP-42]: Regex search did not find content in second an following lines. [2014-12-19] MIB Explorer 4.0.1 * Fixed [MXP-37]: After MIB import, the MIB modules list is not updated. * Fixed [MXP-38]: Notification ID in Trap Receiver not readable with Nimbus Loolk & Feel. Deletion of entries in Trap Receiver did not delete the selected entries if table was not sorted in ascending order. [2014-08-03] MIB Explorer 4.0 * Added: Delta cell highlighting for Table View. * Added: Incremental search capabilities for the MIB tree and for combo boxes and list of many dialogs. * Added: Extracting SMI text from RFCs tool. * Added: Structure of Policy Provisioning Information (SPPI) compiler and editing support as defined by RFC 3159. * Added: Support for the Nimbus Look&Feel. * Added: DNS hostname to the discovery pane table. * Improved: PDU editor is able to send the edited PDU as GET* or SET PDU type to the configured target with a single click. * Improved: Performance of Table View refresh display. * Improved: Added quick module loading on startup with progress bar to reduce startup time when > 100 MIB modules have to be loaded into MIB Explorer at once. * Added [MXP-33]: Packet analyzer is able to extract & load packets directly from a log file. * Improved: Display of variable bindings in Trap Receiver. * Improved: SMI compiler with improved error location information (e.g., unresolved DEFVAL syntax references). * Improved SMI compiler lenient mode report much less errors which eases loading flawed vendor MIBs. * Improved: SMI editor with new annotation bar and background syntax checking of the SMI text. * Improved: Completely reworked SMI compiler dialog with quick lenient recompile option and integrated SMI editor with error stripe annotation bar for quick error location lookup and (optional) background SMI checking. * Improved: Many new IETF MIBs directly provided in the default MIB repository. * Improved: JNLP WebStart file is now signed too to further improve Webstart security. * Fixed: Fixed missing SIZE element in Opaque syntax SMI generation. * Fixed: Few small issues regarding GUI dialog productivity (e.g. target configuration dialog). * Updated: SNMP4J to version 2.3.1. [2013-10-17] MIB Explorer v3.2.0 * Added: [MXP-28] Added interoperability mode for AES 192 and 256 implementations that do not conform to http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-blumenthal-aes-usm-04 but instead use the key extension algorithm specified by http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-reeder-snmpv3-usm-3desede-00. * Improved: RFC to SMI conversion is now more robust regarding very long page headers. * Added: RFC to SMI conversion tool now allow specifying the minimum number of RFC page break header lines skipped (per page) during RFC parsing. * Added: MIB module export can now append the file name of the imported file. * Fixed: Context help for Preferences and Target configuration. * Fixed: PDU dialog not opened responses dialog in certain conditions. * Improved: Font can be set for online help. * Added: TLSv1.1/v2 support with Java 7_0_25 or later. * Fixed [MXP-5]: MIB Explorer Packet panel does not highlight SNMPv3 security parameters correctly if packet contains long length encodings. * Improved [MXP-23]: Improved Target Settings view: - Improved autocommit of cell editor changes. - Added "Duplicate Target" function in context menu. - Multi-selection to delete more than one target at once. - Reorder (up/down) of entries - Check target(s) for validity by sending a GETNEXT request on from the context menu. [2012-02-27] MIB Explorer v3.1.0 * Added: [MXP-22] Multi-Target Table View that gets a table or for all (selected) targets at once and displays the results in a single table. * Added: Copying of writable cell values of a row to one or more other existing rows of a table. * Added: [MXP-21] The default OCTET-STRING display mode from the View preferences is now also used by the value editors of MIB Explorer. * Added: Support for ASN.1 comments between object definition clauses and object identifier assignment. Such comments are now preserved. * Fixed: [MXP-27] MIB instance values in MIB tree are not displayed when default OCTET STRING view mode is not set to MIB and MIB module defining the MIB object is loaded. [2011-10-10] MIB Explorer v3.0.0 * Added: Table column width are now restored when a table is reopened. This behavior which is enabled by default can be disabled in the Preferences dialog. * Added: Monitors can be stored in relational databases now. DB access information is stored in .dbm files. * Added: TLS support according to RFC 5953, 5343, and 5590. * Fixed: [MXP-26] Drag&drop from MIB tree with index text in monitor series name field. * Fixed: Context engine ID configuration. * Improved: Manual and online help. * Fixed: [MXP-20] Endless loop (100% CPU usage) when entering incorrect values for an OCTET STRING with DISPLAY-HINT "1x:1x:2d". [2010-11-01] MIB Explorer v2.3.1 * Fixed: [MXP-13] Trap receiver auto inhibition threshold configuration settings had no effect. * Added: [MXP-14] Ctrl- selects all elements of a table for any tables in the application. * Added: [MXP-15] DEL and INS key strokes modify RowStatus column of selected rows in table view: sets RowStatus column of selected rows to destroy(6) sets RowStatus column of selected rows to createAndGo(4) Ctrl- sets RowStatus column of selected rows to createAndWait(5) * Fixed: [MXP-16] Font size of index column did not match font size of other columns in the table view. * Added: [MXP-17] Pressing key in trap receiver table deletes all selected traps. * Added: [MXP-18] Column widths of table view can be stored and the stored values can be manually restored and are automatically restored on next refresh/open. * Improved: [MXP-19] The setting "Default OCTET STRING Display Mode" now also applies to Table and Tree views. [2010-09-27] MIB Explorer v2.3 * Fixed: [MXP-7] User/community information is now saved and read for XML monitor files. The schema MIBExplorerMonitor.xsd has been enhanced accordingly. * Fixed: [MXP-8] If not all text attributes of the XML monitor files are set by some non-null value, saving a monitor file in the XML format fails with a zero length file. * Fixed: [MXP-9] MIB Explorer Pro (Server) potentially destroys monitor file during auto-save if a VM problem (e.g. OutOfMemory) or other exception occurs. * Fixed: [MXP-2] Index dialog does not accept HEX strings with ':' notation. Instead blanks as separators are required. The display in the index column does use blank instead. [2010-05-04] MIB Explorer v2.2.7 * Fixed: [MXP-6] Context engine ID was not displayed in target configuration editor. [2010-02-24] MIB Explorer v2.2.6 * Fixed: [MXP-4] Max. repetitions for table view. * Fixed: [MXP-4] Max VBS size usage for table panel. * Updated: SNMP4J to 1.11 with fixex for the TCP transport protocol implementation. * Fixed: MIB Explorer Pro Server did not accept AGENT++ v3.x suite license. [2009-05-18] MIB Explorer v2.2.5 * Fixed: SNMPv3 noAuthnoPriv user did not work for sending requests (returned error 1403). [2009-04-30] MIB Explorer v2.2.4 * Fixed: Preferences and Target editor did not show up on certain hardware running Java 1.6.0_13 or later due to a NullPointerException. * Improved: Updated SNMP4J to 1.10. [2008-08-29] MIB Explorer v2.2.3 * Improved: TCP packets are now also correctly received if the sending entity does not align SNMP PDUs with TCP messages (i.e., sends more than one TCP message to send a SNMP PDU). [2008-08-18] MIB Explorer v2.2.2 * Fixed: MIB Explorer failed to start when trap listener port was already in use. * Improved: Script context (Pro version) mib got a new function to allow velocity loops based on a boolean loop condition. * Fixed: The script continous_subtree_walk.vm did not walk the whole subtree. * Updated: SNMP4J to 1.9.3b. * Fixed: MIB Explorer failed to start if MIB repository path is set but invalid. [2008-04-17] MIB Explorer v2.2.1a * Improved: OIDs can now be specified using embedded strings, for example the following OIDs are equal and both valid:'hal.'.'''.'lo'.1 * Fixed: Built-in MIB module loading. * Fixed: Bottom line formatting (had extra space) of HEX view area in the Packets tab. [2008-04-03] MIB Explorer v2.2.1 * Fixed: "x" can now be used as DESCRIPTION text. * Added: Checks for consistent DISPLAY-HINT usage in conjunction with TC SYNTAX. * Fixed: COMPLIANCE-MODULE checks regarding imported object groups and objects when used within current module compliance definitions. * Changed: Relaxed OBJECT IDENTIFIER assignment checks to allow such assignments below object registrations. * Fixed: Possible corruption of the MIB repository by duplicate module IDs. * Improved: MIB repository verification and auto repair when a new MIB repository is selected. * Updated: IETF MIB modules. * Fixed: Packets BER tree displayed an error around the enterprise OID of SNMPv1 trap PDUs although the PDU was correct. * Fixed: Table and grid panel did not return all rows on sparse tables when requests had to be splitted because of too much columns. [2007-12-31] MIB Explorer v2.2 * Added: Reading of SNMP4J snapshot files (which contain no MIB information in contrast to MIB Explorer Pro snapshot files). * Added: Open and Save monitor files (including data) to XML. * Added: Backup history files for the monitor auto save function. Now up to 99 (rolled) backup files can be saved automatically while a monitor is running. * Added: Experimental 3DES privacy support. * Added: 3DES and AES key privacy change support. * Added: Auto-filter (filtering by values of a table column) and filtering by regular expressions for table view. * Improved: Index values for enumeration are displayed now with label information. * Improved: Grid does not commit any unset (null) values to the agent. * Fixed: Non-editable fields in user configuration in dependency of table sorting. * Fixed: Editing of values could fail with "wrongType" error for instances without MIB information. * Improved: Application start and response time when DNS service is not available or slow. * Fixed: Table context menu was sometimes enabled even if there was nothing to display as table. * Improved: Table retrieval and update for sparse tables. * Improved: MIB tree is updated to reflect available MIB modules in new MIB repository when MIB repository is changed. Before the MIB repository change is performed where currently loaded MIB modules are not available, the user is informed and may cancel the operation. * Fixed: AES192 privacy protocol selection/name in user configuration. [2007-05-07] MIB Explorer v2.1.3a * Fixed: Sending of SNMPv3 requests to an address that sent SNMPv3 INFORM request with the same user failed unless the target was configured with discovered engine ID. [2007-03-12] MIB Explorer v2.1.3 * Added: Icons for MIB tree nodes according to their type. * Fixed: Table window closing did not stop refresh thread and left the window in the opened window list. * Improved: SNMP3v reports are now always send from the same interface/port where the corresponding SNMPv3 message had been received. This improves inter-operability with some firewall configurations. * Fixed: Context name could not be saved from target configuration (although it could be set in the MIB Explorer config file). * Improved: Row creation and duplication buttons in table view are enabled only of those operations can be actually performed. * Improved: Commit by row elements are now added after manually changed elements of a row into the changes set that is sent as a single PDU to the agent. [2007-02-07] MIB Explorer v2.1.2a - Fixed: TCP notification listener port timeout is now disabled. - Added: Auto SMI syntax completion in MIB editor through - (Pro edition only). - Fixed: Possible application lock when issuing a target MIB Set discovery using a target with more than zero retries. - Improved: Less memory consumption when many MIB files are loaded into MIB tree at once. [2007-01-18] MIB Explorer v2.1.1a - Fixed: Built-in MIB module support broken in v2.1.1. - Fixed: MIB Explorer Lite packaging bug that broke MIB complation in v2.1.1. - Fixed: Setting zero length string with SET dialog from MIB tree context menu. - Fixed: USM user configuration not available for some SNMPv3 targets when target configuration was sorted and SNMPv1/v2c targets were configured at the same time. - Fixed: UInteger32 is no longer accepted as base type since it has been removed from standard SMIv2 and must not be used any longer. If a MIB module makes use of it adding the line UInteger32 ::= Unsigned32 makes it parseable without needing to replace all occurrances of UInteger32. - Fixed: ::= SEQUENCE OF is no longer accepted. - Added: Check for conceptual row objects to register .1 object identifier under their table parent (SMIv2 only). - Added: Check for non OBJECT-TYPE registrations under an OBJECT-TYPE (RFC 2578 �7.10). - Fixed: Incompatibility between 2.0 and 2.1 monitor configuration files when those files contain embedded SNMP target information. Version 2.1.1 opens all configuration files from version 1.x, 2.0.x, and 2.1 or later. If you have a monitor file created with version 2.1 that you cannot open with 2.1.1, then please contact support@mibexplorer.com (because that should not happen ;-). - Fixed: Monitor with regular expression for index calculation did not use display-hint given in formula (instead display-hint of the MIB, if present, was used). - Fixed: If no MIB data was available for the search column, then regex based index calculation for a monitor did not succeed. [2006-11-18] MIB Explorer v2.1a - Added: Direct editing of browsed SNMP values in the browse panel. - Fixed: Table display for scalars did not display values that did not fit in the first response PDU (regression). - Improved: Setting the active target is now easier in target configuration by simply clicking on a check box. - Added: Copying a browsed OID into the clipboard by Ctrl-C within the browse panel. - Added: Script to continously walk a sub-tree of an agent. - Fixed: Wrong error message if IMPORTS is missing but ; is there. - Fixed: Incorrect index display for non IMPLIED length OID (last) sub-index. [2006-09-22] MIB Explorer v2.0.9 - Fixed: "Failed to send request: null" error that sometimes occurred when trying to browse/get SNMP values while SNMP packet capturing is enabled on a multi-core CPU. - Fixed: Performance degradation in in-tree browsing. - Added: Option in General preferences to limit upper bound of retrieved instances when browsing instaces within the MIB tree (default is 0 which disables any upper limit). [2006-09-18] MIB Explorer v2.0.8 - Changed: Key shortcuts for navigate back and forward from Backspace and Shift-Backspace to Ctrl-Backspace and Ctrl- Shift-Backspace because of problems when typing Backspace into text fields. - Fixed: Dragging a table or table entry node into the PDU editor caused MIB Explorer to not display its windows properly. - Improved: Updating (by reloading or importing) a MIB module removes all previously loaded MIB objects of that module. [2006-08-17] MIB Explorer v2.0.7 - Added: Support for obsoleted BIT STRING SMI type for backward compatibility with 20 year old RFC 1442 implementations. See General Preferences to activate BIT STRING support. - Added: Scripts now support downloading files from URLs as string or file on the local file system. You can use that for instance to automate configuration download (if available via HTTP). - Added: Optional GZIP compressed storage of MIB modules in MIB repository. Deactivate it in Preferences if you work with MIB Designer or AgenPro on the same repository if either version is prior to 2.5. - Fixed: PDU panel did not refresh NULL syntax with actual syntax of the received object. - Fixed: Monitor index recalculation on request failure. - Fixed: StackOverflow exception when parsing a MIB module with syntax error and no "END" tag. - Improved: Reduced memory consumption during MIB compilation. - Fixed: Possible NullPointerException when using TCP as transport protocol. - Added: Index length checks for IMPLIED and total minimum length (which must be less than 128). - Improved: Positioning on selected error in compiler log in MIB editor. - Improved: Formatting of SYNTAX and STATUS clause of the OBJECT-TYPE construct when exported to HTML/plain text. - Improved: MIB repository search uses now all CPUs of the system for faster searching. [2006-03-08] MIB Explorer v2.0.6 - Added: Duplicate row button in MIB table editor. - Added: Various string format options in PDU editor enabling ASCII, HEX, octal, decimal, and binary format editing of OCTET STRING and Opaque values without MIB information. - Fixed: Built-in MIB modules SNMPv2-SMI, SNMPv2-TC, SNMPv2-CONF, RFC1155-MIB, RFC-1212, and RFC-1215 were truncated (not available) in recent versions. [2006-01-20] MIB Explorer v2.0.5 - Added: MIB file editor now allows to check a file without saving it and to import/check it with a specific level of syntax checking (either full SMI standard or lenient). - Fixed: "read-create" was wrongly not allowed in VARIATION ACCESS and MODULE-COMPLIANCE MIN-ACCESS clauses. - Fixed: Regression on script PDU.appendVariable() which did not work for OBJECT-TYPEs without default value since v2.0. - Improved: Script string_prompt.vm now returns SNMP errors as text and error number. [2005-12-19] MIB Explorer v2.0.4 * Fixed: The notInTimeWindow report on incoming messages (i.e. responses) where not properly reported back. * Fixed: SMI compiler error recovery failed in a certain situation which prevented MIB Explorer to display the SMI syntax error. * Improved: USM user dialog now checks for minimum passphrase length. * Fixed: The monitor start up dialog no longer shows up if there are no monitors to start. [2005-12-01] MIB Explorer v2.0.3 * Fixed: Superfluous retries where sent on synchronous requests (used by target MIB set discovery). * Added: "-monitor-truncate" option to server to truncate monitor data at server start. * Improved: Responsiveness of the log panel when the log tab is selected (in focus). * Added: XLS and CSV support for data HTTP servlet. * Improved: Height and width of chart images is set to max 8192 pixels. * Fixed: Example data template for monitor data servlet. [2005-11-26] MIB Explorer v2.0.2 * Fixed: Index cache was not reset in all cases when a timeout or noSuchInstance (n/a) event occured. [2005-11-17] MIB Explorer v2.0.1 * Fixed: Highligthing in hex dump panel of packet analyzer got sometimes out of sync. * Fixed: Multi-row user and target deletion in target configuration dialog. * Improved: Optimized size of Lite edition. [2005-11-02] MIB Explorer v2.0 * Added: Built-in HTTP server for dynamic viewing of monitor charts and data. * Added: Full IPv6 support. * Added: AES128, AES196, AES256bit encryption. * Added: TCP support. * Changed: XSD export of MIB modules now longer encloses the DISPLAY-HINT into double quotes between the tags. * Added: SNMP packet capturing and analysis. * Improved: Trap receiver is now integrated into the tools panels. * Improved: Trap history and PDUs are now stored alternatively in XML format. * Added: Three additional Look&Feels. * Improved: Log panel (added Suspend button to hold log table). * Added: Caret position in Script panel. * Added: $gui.showErrorMessage and $gui.showWarningMessage to the Script GUI context. * Added: $snmp.getTable(..) to the Script SNMP context to allow synchronous table retrieval. * Improved: Preferences. * Improved: Target configuration with better overview through sortable tables. * Improved: Users can be specified with localized configuration * Improved: Initial transport mapping configuration to get started more quickly. * Improved: Error reporting when testing alarm scripts. * Added: Running monitors can be automatically restarted on next MIB Explorer Pro / Server restart. * Improved: Progress dialog is shown when scanning MIB repository for available MIB modules. * Fixed: Automatic resending of requests when agent returns tooBig error. * Added: Yes-to-All button when saving tool configuration. [2005-06-02] MIB Explorer v1.7.1 * Added: Fixed an issue within the grid table view caused by a missing class. * Improved: IPv6 addresses can now be correctly entered. However the underlying Netaphor SNMP API does not seem to use IPv6 addresses internally. MIB Explorer v2.x and following will be based on SNMP4J which provides full IPv6 support. If you want to upgrade to v2.x and you purchased MIB Explorer before May 1st, 2005 then please ask sales@mibexplorer.com for a special upgrade discount. Otherwise your upgrade is free anyway. [2005-02-01] MIB Explorer v1.7a - Fixed: Incorrect display of sparse tables in table and grid view. - Updated: AGENT++ MIBs. [2004-12-02] MIB Explorer v1.7 - Fixed: Display of OCTET-STRING or OID based sub-index values was not correct, if those sub-indexes were of fixed length. - Fixed: NullPointerException when adding a trap receiver priority without specifying a subtree. - Added: Snapshots. Snapshots can be used to restore an agents state (or a sub-tree state) at a later time and to compare two agents or snapshots from a single agent at different points in time. - Added: Added some methods to the PDU and VariableBinding script context that improve PDU manipulation capabilities. - Added: Added selectModules method to the GUI script context that allows user selection of MIB modules. - Improved: SMI parser checks for default values, i.e. range checks. - Added: SMI parser checks for syntax refinements. - Improved: SMI parser checks for MODULE-COMPLIANCE, and AGENT-CAPABILITIES statements. - Improved: SMI parser error messages. - Improved: SMI parser performance for MIB modules with many object definitions. - Fixed: MIB module sorting did not recognized import dependencies implied by MODULE-COMPLIANCE or AGENT- CAPABILITIES statements. - Fixed: If BITS is imported, now an error is reported by the parser. - Improved: Parse performance for MIB modules with many object definitions. - Fixed: Replace All in MIB file editor. - Updated: IETF MIB modules. - Improved: ASN.1 comments are now generated by default also in text and HTML output. OID comments are no longer generated inline. - Fixed: Conversion of hex strings to OID value failed for hex bytes >= 0x80. [2004-07-19] MIB Explorer v1.6.3 - Added: Chart GIF encoding support. - Added: SSL encryption for remote monitoring connections. - Added: Headless server now authenticates client by clients license. By default the servers only accepts clients using the same license as the server. This can be configured by the -acceptall and -accept command line parameters. - Added: Monitor header and footer now support inline formatted formulars. - Added: Delta value to last time interval ratios can now directly be computed (thus without using formula rows) and multiplied by an user defined factor. This is equivalent to the formula (V0-V1)/(T0-T1)*1000*f where f is the supplied factor and V the row identifier of the raw (absolute) value row. - Changed: Remote configuration of headless MIB Explorer servers now requires Java 1.4 or later (because of SSL encryption). - Fixed: Adding a new row to an empty PDU by using the New Row button. - Added: With the copy button, variable bindings in a PDU can be duplicated (copied). - Fixed: Chart export from headless server produced white images for chart types other than JPEG. - Fixed: Monitor panel button enabled/disabled states for Connect and Deploy. - Improved: The domain prefix for exported XML schemas can now be specified. - Improved: SNMPv3 user administration now allows to keep the local users unchanged even if changing the same user on the target agent(s). - Fixed: Row deletion of consolidated monitor data. [2004-04-06] MIB Explorer v1.6.2a - Fixed: Wrong type error when sending a SET PDU from the PDU panel, where a column has been created by drag&drop from a columnar object (not instance) with a default value. - Added: Index decomposition support in trap receiver and browse panel. [2004-03-25] MIB Explorer v1.6.1a - Fixed: Lenient compile option had no effect in some cases. [2004-03-22] MIB Explorer v1.6.1 - Added: Grid View to view and edit one or more related SNMP tables with a hierarchical interface. - Added: Option to enter BITS by their enumerated value. - Added: Multiline editing of string fields in the table view. The default, which is single line editing, can be changed via the context menu of the table view. - Fixed: Using the New button for creating the first row of a new PDU caused the "Send as" button to fail. - Added: Null SMI syntax can now be used in the PDU editor. - Improved: Default engine ID computation. - Fixed: RFC 2579 �3.5 is now ensured (textual conventions must not reference other textual conventions). - Improved: Improved robustness of table view and GET in tree against incorrect index definitions (applies to leniently parsed MIBs only). [2003-12-09] MIB Explorer v1.6 - Improved: Table view support for sparse tables. - Fixed: Privacy settings were not changed by the SNMPv3 admin wizard. - Added: XML export for the Table View. Tabular and scalar instance values can be exported to an XML file. The XML file references XSD schemas that can be exported by the MIB module export (see below). - Added: XML Schema (XSD) export of MIB modules. - Improved: Search&Replace's "replace all" function now closes dialog after replacements have been done. - Fixed: Strange behavior of progress display when running a monitor connected to a remote server when the monitor had a start time defined. - Improved: Help system now uses JavaHelp 2.0. - Added: Monitor scripts can now be embedded into the alarm configuration for monitors. - Added: Monitor scripts can now be easily tested by pressing a button within the configuration. - Fixed: Raise script was also used as clear script. - Fixed: Unable to edit targets when there are no targets defined and one has edited the trap preferences first. - Added: IF monitor expression to pic an expression based on a boolean expression. - Added: Monitor can now be configured to listen for incoming traps. - Fixed: Undo of monitor did not work for first row added. - Added: MIB compiler has now a lenient option that can be activated in Preferences/General to minimize syntax checking. - Added: Remote run, stop, and deploy of monitors on headless MIB Explorer server. - Added: Preferred size for monitors when running on a headless server. - Added: Security policy support in order to be able to limit connections to/from a MIB Explorer server to trusted IP addresses/ports. - Added: Scripts can now be run on notification events. Which script is run, can be configured be associating scripts with notification ID subtrees. - Added: 3D monitors. - Fixed: Parsing of MIB module with module.object references where only one of the ambigous object name references is imported from another MIB module. - Fixed: If the last row committed by a Table View failed, only one of the edited columns were marked as uncommitted. - Fixed: Redo did not work with partitially committed rows in Table View. - Improved: Dragging a object instance from the MIB tree to a PDU will now preserve its syntax (type) even if the corresponding OBJECT-TYPE definition is not loaded. - Improved: Error message when encountered a duplicate import source. - Improved: MIB file editor search dialog. - Improved: Error message when encounterd a invalid ordered sequence construct. - Improved: MIB table now also supports "trying" to set read-only values by checking the "Ignore MAX-ACCESS read-only" option in the SNMP preferences. - Fixed: Several flaws in the documentation. [2003-05-27] MIB Explorer v1.5.11 - Added: Table view is now also capable of showing expansion relationships. - Added: $mib context available in MIB Explorer scripts now implements all methods of the JASMI IRepository interface. - Added: Example script that dumps a SMIv2 MIB module to a text file (AGENT-CAPABILITIES are not supported by this example). You can modify this script to implement your own MIB formatting. - Fixed: Table view did not display tables correctly where one or more columns within the table were not implemented by the agent. This bug did not appear when the "maximum variable bindings per PDU" preference value was smaller than the number of columns of the sparse table. - Added: $utils.saveOutput(..) to write the script output to a file and $utils.clearOutput() to clear a script's output buffer (window). [2003-04-19] MIB Explorer v1.5.10a - Fixed: MIB repository search also found imported objects which could cause incorrect search results. - Fixed: Sorting of MIB modules. - Added: Additional tabular views support the mouse wheel when using Java 1.4. - Fixed: Compilation problem with MIB modules using AUGMENTS references to other MIB modules. [2003-04-12] MIB Explorer v1.5.10 - Added: Tools/Search MIB Repository to search through the MIB repository by regular expression. - Added: Zoom functionality for Monitor tool that allows to zoom into a displayed chart. This can be achieved by holding the key down while selecting the rectangular area with the mouse. - Added: Mouse wheel support for tables whe using Java 1.4 or later. - Added: $Utils.exec function to execute system commands from scripts. The new example scripts "cmd_exec.vm" and "cmd_exec_dos.vm" show the usage of the command execution method. - Added: $Utils.sendEmail to send emails using an authenticated or non-authenticated SMTP server from scripts. The example script "alarm_email.vm" can be used in a monitor alarm configuration to send an alarm via email. - Fixed: Remove button for listen ports in Preferences/Traps were active although if there were no listen ports in the list. - Fixed: SNMPv3 USM user modification did not work properly if a non-default engine ID were specified. - Fixed: Authenticated SNMPv3 Inform could not be received from some systems, because an "out-of-time- window" report were not generated in all cases. - Fixed: Evaluation of some boolean expressions (&&,||) did not evaluate to the correct result (Monitor). - Added: Boolean expression in monitor alarm configuration may now be grouped by brackets. - Fixed: Duplicate identifiers in GROUPs where not detected by the parser. - Added: Check for incorrect order of columns in a SEQUENCE clause. - Added: Checks to ensure that all INDEX sub- identifiers are not negative. - Improved: Online help. - Improved: The (last) search string can now be be selected by pressing . [2003-03-03] MIB Explorer v1.5.9 - Added: MIB Explorer Server process to run monitors and scripts without GUI (Java 1.4 only) and even on headless systems like UNIX without X. - Added: PDF image export for monitor charts. - Fixed: The file name AND path of a monitor file are now remembered by a monitor panel. - Improved: The "Choose" button for script files in the alarm configuration now uses the default path for scripts. - Fixed: Export of a monitor's table data did not use the corret file name extension for consolidated data. - Improved: An actually configured SNMPv3 target that is not used by a particular monitor is no longer contacted for engine ID discovery/time synchronization when this monitor retrieves data. - Added: Parser checks to ensure that all INDEX sub- identifiers are not negative in SMIv2 MIB modules. - Improved: Passwords for authenticated SMTP log appenders are now stored encrypted. [2003-02-06] MIB Explorer v1.5.8 - Improved: Monitor now better handles timeouts and temporarly errors in collected data when displaying charts. - Added: Option in Preferences/Traps to control the auto-inhibition function of the trap receiver. - Added: INTERVAL() function to get the configured sample interval within Monitor expressions. - Added: Special column identifier "T" to access the time column of primary data samples from Monitor expressions. - Added: Selected rows can be deleted from primary and consolidation Monitor data tables. - Added: SMTP appender with authentication, to send log events to SMTP server that require authentication. - Added: Now the UDP address of the target used by a MIB Explorer script can be set through $snmp.setCurrentTargetsAddress("a.b.c.d/port"). - Added: An example script to send traps called "trapgun.vm". - Fixed: Monitor's DELTAxx expressions. - Fixed: Incorrect trap counters when acknowledging traps twice without changing selection after the first. - Fixed: Creating new rows in the PDU editor when there were no existing rows. - Fixed: Incorrect display of SNMPv1 trap OIDs for enterprise specific traps. [2003-01-24] MIB Explorer v1.5.7a - Fixed: Alarm script context did not return false for Alarm.isRaised() if the alarm was cleared. - Fixed: Monitors with set SNMPv3 targets with a USM user specified could not be saved. - Fixed: Exiting application did not ask to save changes of all running monitors, etc. - Added: "Save As" button in monitor tool to save configuration, table or chart to a file. - Added: Export of MIB modules as PDF 1.4. [2003-01-10] MIB Explorer v1.5.6 - Added: MIB files contained in ZIP files can now be compiled directly from archives. - Added: File/Add MIBs... menu option allows to compile only those files in directories, ZIP archives, and files that are not already available in the current MIB repository. - Added: Importing two object names with the same name from two different MIB modules is now fully supported. The . notation is now correctly parsed and generated. - Added: Notation " { } DEFINITIONS BEGIN" for SMIv1 MIBs is no longer rejected. - Added: Some additional error checks regarding IMPORTS clause. Modules may be referenced once only. Notifications and traps may not be imported at all. - Improved: XML export: In some cases module name information could have been missing from the output although such information was available. - Fixed: Parse problem with SMIv1 MIBs using simple syntaxes (e.g. INTEGER) for INDEX clauses. - Fixed: Compilation of MIB files with more than one MIB module. - Fixed: Computation of range restrictions of effective syntaxes. - Added: New SNMPv3 standard MIBs from RFC3411-3419, RFC3434-3435, and RFC3440. [2002-12-21] MIB Explorer v1.5.5a - Fixed: "Commit" removed modified rows from display (although rows were correctly set). - Fixed: External logging panel available again. - Added: ASN.1 comments for enumerations are now parsed, displayed, and exported to text and HTML files. [2002-12-13] MIB Explorer v1.5.5 - Added: Search&Replace in Table View. - Added: SUMWHEN and COUNTWHEN expressions to the monitor. With these functions you can sum up numerical values of a table's column or count elements in a subtree. - Added: Optional displayHint parameter to INDEXOF expression which allows to override the value-to-string conversion defined for a MIB object when matching its instances against a regular expression. - Added: Duplicate Row button to the monitor tool bar. - Fixed: Some minor issues with the monitor tool. Start time can now be deleted. - Fixed: Hide absent MIB objects did not work when MIB instances have been retrieved in that subtree. [2002-12-02] MIB Explorer v1.5.4 - Added: Display of OCTET STRING instances in table, browse, and trap viewer as hex, octal decimal, binary, and plain ASCII strings. - Added: License display after first start. - Fixed: Several issues with JRE 1.4.1 (including locked table view). - Improved: Progress display in status bar now counts number of retries correctly. - Improved: Table view (refresh and commit). - Improved: Trap receiver now shows the hostname of the originator address. - Improved: Monitor panel now warns for unsaved data when it is closed even if only collected data has been changed. - Improved: Handling of error conditions while collecting montior data. [2002-11-08] MIB Explorer v1.5.2 - Fixed: When selecting a MIB object in the tree that belongs to the MIB module on top of the modules list, that module was not selected. - Improved: Initial frame size now 800x600. - Fixed: Bug in SMI parser that did not allow SMIv1 syntax definitions that used SMIv2 reserved words (e.g. Integer32) for sub-typing (e.g. "Integer32 ::= INTEGER SYNTAX Integer32(1..100)") [2002-10-28] MIB Explorer v1.5.1 - Added: New methods to set the index of VariableBindings within scripts. - Fixed: When exiting MIB Explorer, unsaved changes to scripts and monitor configurations have not been checked. - Fixed: Shuffle panel bug when adding/removing a list of sorted items. [2002-10-21] MIB Explorer v1.5 - Added: Flexible monitoring with eight supported chart types, index calculation, spreadsheet like expressions, as well as alarm generation. - Added: Email and external file appenders for the logging system. - Added: Scripts based on the Velocity Template Language (VTL) from http://www.apache.org. - Added: Severity indication for the Trap Receiver dialog based on notification IDs. Four levels are supported: INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL. - Added: Display and input format selection is now available from the table view context menu. In addition, MIB object description and syntax can be displayed for any column directly from the table's context menu. - Added: Context menu for the MIB modules table. - Fixed: Logging was disabled when closing logging properties dialog using . - Fixed: Logging level WARN could not be set. - Changed: Logging level colors changed for WARN, ERROR, and FATAL to meet the corresponding color scheme used by the trap receiver. - Fixed: There has not been exported a node for the SMIv2 MODULE-IDENTITY via XML export. Thus, the OID of the MODULE-IDENTITY was not available in the exported XML file. - Fixed: DISPLAY-HINT input format was broken for octet and binary formats. [2002-08-29] MIB Explorer v1.1.2a - Fixed: Exporting table data failed if .xls file selected did not exist. - Improved: Error reporting for semantic errors now includes location information where possible. - Fixed: Export OK button did not export MIBs that were not loaded in MIB tree. - Added: Export of MIBs from a MIB Set. - Fixed: When setting an IpAddress value one needed to retain the dots otherwise value could not be entered. [2002-08-15] MIB Explorer v1.1.1 - Fixed: SET dialog could be opened for not-accessible OBJECT-TYPEs via main menu/toolbar. - Added: Look&Feel configuration in preferences. - Added: Kunststoff Look&Feel. - Added: Used/total memory status display added to status bar. [2002-08-07] MIB Explorer v1.1b - Added: Exporting of table data to Excel files. - Fixed: Log level for SNMP responses with error was DEBUG. Changed it to WARN. - New: TFTP tool to put and get files to/from a TFTP server. - Added: MIB file editor with syntax highlighting. - Added: Parses now checks IMPORTs of SMI macros and types. - Added: Enum display with label in MIB tree. - Added: Enum cell editor for PDU configuration table. The value of an enumerated value may be entered as label string (case insensitive) or integer value. - Fixed: INFORM requests can now be received even if sending entity needs to discover MIB Explorers engine ID. - Fixed: Tree is not updated (refreshed) when MIB modules are removed from the tree without loading any other. - Fixed: Search & Replace function in MIB file editor was still broken in v1.1a. [2002-06-26] MIB Explorer v1.0.4 - Fixed: Instances (variables) in tree were not displayed when corresponding MIB object definition has not been loaded. [2002-05-14] MIB Explorer v1.0.3 - Fixed: Resending a SNMPv1 trap from the "Send PDU" dialog. - Improved: Logging of SNMPv1 traps. - Improved: Parsing (error detection) of DEFVAL clause. - Added: Drag&Drop of files (i.e. from Windows Explorer) to the title of the MIB Explorer main window for instant compilation of MIB files. [2002-04-11] MIB Explorer v1.0.2 - Fixed: Some broken links in online help. - Improved: "Export MIBs" dialog. [2002-04-02] MIB Explorer v1.0.1 - Fixed: Trap receiver did not respond to INFORM PDUs. - Fixed: Hang on startup with DEBUG logging priority. - Added: Timeout for SNMPv3 engine ID discovery (can be set in Preferences/SNMP). [2002-03-25] MIB Explorer v1.0