AGENT++ & AgentX++ Updates

Frank Fock
Thu Jul 13 00:35:20 CEST 2000

New versions of AGENT++ v3.4 and AgentX++ Beta
can be downloaded from

Recent improvements to AGENT++v3.4 are:

Version 3.4h:  CHANGES since Version 3.4g

* Fixed: GETBULK processing without _SNMPv3 defined
  caused deadlock on end of mib view.

* Changed AgentGen Ready2Compile templates.

* Added: Not-accessible MibLeaf objects cannot be
  added to MibGroup neither to Mib instances.

Recent improvements to AgentX++ Beta are:


* Added timeout handling. A session that times out on
  three consecutive AgentX requests is considered unable
  to respond, and the master agent closes the session
  by sending a CLOSE PDU to the subagent.

* Fixed: Compilation errors when compiling without _SNMPv3.

* Fixed: Deadlock when subagent closed a session with
  non-default context registrations.

Frank Fock

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