Newbie questions

Frank Fock
Tue Mar 7 19:00:14 CET 2000

James Nakamura wrote:
> 1. Sending traps from the agent: the gateway will notify the agent when it
> needs to
>    send a trap. I see a set of trap objects, but how does one implement the
> sending of
>    traps, and setting the trap receivers?

The atm_mib example sends a coldStart trap when it starts. A trap is
sent simply by calling the generate method of NotificationOriginator.
This is how it looks like:

        Vbx* vbs = 0;
        coldStartOid coldOid;
        NotificationOriginator notification_originator;
        notification_originator.generate(vbs, 0, coldOid, "", "");

The last paramter is the context/community to use. The 4th is deprecated
and should be set "". 

The targets are defined using the SNMP-TARGET-MIB and SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB.
So, trap filtering and multiple destinations are supported.

> 2. Setting/getting Mib data: The agent and the gateway are two separate
> processes that
>    currently communicate through a TCP socket. AGENT++ appears to assume
> that the data
>    is residently available in the agent. My presumption is that one would
> use the multi
>     threaded version (how do you set that up?) when you send a
> process_request. That
>     way the agent can open a socket and wait for the data. Is that correct?

Yes, you should use the multi-threaded version for that purpose.
Just put

#define _THREADS

in the agent++/include/agent++.h file. By default, threads are activated.

> The only
>    other option I can think of is make the agent part of the gateway itself.
> Are there
>    any other ways? What is the recommended way?

see above

> 3. System variables/traps: is there an implementation of system traps (for
> load average,
>    disk space, checking processes are still alive)?

No, sorry. But if you can wait a few weeks there will be AgentX support
available for UNIX and then you can use the UCD agent for that ;-)

> Anyway, I think AGENT++ looks really promising if I could get these things
> resolved.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if you have further questions.

Best regards,

Frank Fock                     Marconi Communications Software Systems
<frank.fock at>  Blumenstrasse 22-24, 
Phone: +49 7191 13-4851        71522 Backnang,            
Fax:   +49 7191 13-2502        Germany

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