Agent Proxy

Corrado Giacomini
Tue Oct 31 14:24:39 CET 2000

Dear all,

I have the following :

Manager(v2) ----- AGENT++----UCD snmpd v1/v2agent
Tha manage is a snmpwalk utility from ucd.
The AGENT++ is acting as a proxy for all the mib-2
The UCD snmpd is configured in order to accept only  v2c call

When I walk the mib using for example snmwalk (from UCD) in the
following way :
snmpwalk -p6200 -v2c public
I got the UCD agent called by the proxy AGENT++ but the snmp message
received from
ucd snmpd contain a v1 request.

Received 47 bytes from
0000: 30 82 00 2B  02 01 00 04  06 70 75 62  6C 69 63 A0
How can explitly tell the proxy agent to send version2c messages to the
target agent ?
Thanks in advance,


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