Dynamic Table

Mauro Restante restante____cefriel.it
Thu Apr 12 20:29:18 CEST 2001

Hi frank, and hi to all mailing list,

I should ask your help once again.

Following the dynamic table example I try to implement the
Disman-Schedule-Mib table.
I don't understand how the index of table must process.

I used Agentgen to generate disman-Schedule-Mib code.
this is the init module of static example.

>>>	void init(Mib& mib)
>>>	{
>>>        mib.add(new sysGroup("AGENT++v3.4 Static Table Sample Agent - Use
'MD5' as SNMPv3 user and 	'MD5UserAuthPassword' as authentication",
			     "", 10));
>>> 	mib.add(new snmpGroup());
>>>	mib.add(new snmp_target_mib());
>>>	mib.add(new snmp_notification_mib());
>>>	MibStaticTable* st = new MibStaticTable("");
>>>	st->add(MibStaticEntry("",
>>>	st->add(MibStaticEntry("",
>>>	st->add(MibStaticEntry("",
>>>	st->add(MibStaticEntry("",
			       OctetStr("another text")));
>>>	mib.add(st);

>>>	//§§ MR

>>>	//mib.add(new disman_schedule_mib());

>>>	schedEntry* schedTable=new schedEntry(); // I instantiate a new class of

>>>	MibTableRow * p_mibTableRow;
>>>	p_mibTableRow = schedTable->add_row(schedTable->get_next_avail_index());

	/* I try to create a single row but I don't know how to process the
	   const index_info indSchedEntry[2] = {
		{ sNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS, FALSE, 0, 255 },
	 	{ sNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS, FALSE, 0, 255 } };
	that, I think, represent the index of the entry table.*/

>>>	schedTable->set_row (p_mibTableRow,"Mauro",99999, "pluto", "77777","
restante", "vimodrone", "milano", 	"ceriel", "pippo", 66666, 55555, 44444,
33333, 22222, 11111, "cazzo", 00000, 121212);

>>>	mib.add(schedTable);// I add the element to the agent.
>>>	mib.add(new schedLocalTime());

In this way the Manager doesn't know the index element and I'm not be able
to create a new row.
I think that set_row must be done in the Disman-Schedule-Mib code in order
to create dynamically a new instance of the table. In this case I don't
understand how instance the table. The agent reply to a get or set request
of the manager with no such name error.
I hope to have been clear in explaning my doubt.
I'm very sorry for length of this mail, and I thank to all mailing list for
their help.

Mauro Restante

CEFRIEL/Politecnico di Milano
Network Systems Area
via Fucini 2
20133 Milano - Italy
Tel. +39 02 23954248
Fax. +39 02 23954529

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