Access violation when querying certain table cells

Noam Wolf
Sun May 20 21:13:29 CEST 2001

Hi Frank

I'm getting some access violation when trying to retrieve certain table
cells' values.
The columns of these cells are defined in a similar way to other columns in
the table.
I'm getting the segmantation error even if I'm trying to set a new value
without using any outside functions, just by using: *((SnmpInt32*)value)
When looking at the stack I could see that the violation occurs in the
constructor of class OctetStr when trying to make:

MEMCPY( smival.value.string.ptr,		
	          (size_t) octet.smival.value.string.len);
octet.smival.value.string.ptr : Is pointing to NULL.

When looking inside value, I could see it was initialized to all zeros
(gdb) p this->smival.value
$12 = {sNumber = 0, uNumber = 0, hNumber = {hipart = 0, lopart = 0}, string
= {len = 0, ptr = 0x0}, oid = {len = 0, ptr = 0x0}, 
  empty = 0 '\000'

and after entering value a new value with the following operation:
this->smival.value.sNumber = (unsigned long) i;	//i = 62 in this case

I could see this:
{sNumber = 62, uNumber = 62, hNumber = {hipart = 62, lopart = 0}, string =
{len = 62, ptr = 0x0}, oid = {len = 62, ptr = 0x0}, 
  empty = 0 '\000'}

My class is derived from MibLeaf and is defining new SnmpInt32. The new
value I tried to enter was 62, but as you can see, it entered len and not
ptr. ptr kept on pointing to NULL.

Do you have any idea why this might happen?

TIA and sorry for the trouble,
				Noam Wolf.

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