IPv6 Betas available

Jochen Katz katz____agentpp.com
Mon Apr 22 21:32:02 CEST 2002

Hi all,

there are new beta versions of snmp++ and agent++ available with support 
for IPv6.

IPv6 is enabled through a define in snmp++/include/config.h

The Address classes should understand all possible IPv6 addresses ("::", 
"::abcd", "::",...). UdpAddresses should be specified as 
"[IPv6-address]/Port", eg "[1234::89ab:cdef]/161". IPv4 address objects 
can be mapped to IPv6 addresses through the map_to_ipv6() method. The 
version of an Address object can be testet through get_ip_version().

To create an IPv6 enabled Snmp object the constructors
Snmp( int &status, const UdpAddress& addr); and
Snmp( int &status, const UdpAddress& addr_v4, const UdpAddress& 
addr_v6); have to be used.

The first one accepts either am IPv4 or IPv6 UdpAddress object. If it is 
called with an IPv6 Address, an IPv6 socket is created. If later methods 
Snmp::get(),... are called with an IPv4 Address, these are automatically 
mapped to IPv6.

The second constructor is for full compatibility with IPv4, as a socket 
will be created for each IP version.

I have tested the IPv6 code on Linux and Cygwin(WinXP) with the local 
loopback device. So reports for other systems through private mail would 
be appreciated.

Happy testing,

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