Writing subagent for HPUX.. Need help!

Brad Lowe brad____custom7.com
Mon Nov 25 21:30:28 CET 2002


I am working on writing a subagent for HPUX. Can AgentX++ work with the
existing hpux snmpdm? The AgentX++ subagent does not run (it example code is
unable to bind to anything.

The existing HPUX snmpdm can bind to three kinds of subAgents:

    (1) Loosely coupled subAgents or separate process subAgents which
        open IPC communication channels to communicate with the Master
    (2) Shared library subAgents which are dynamically linkable libraries.
    (3) Remotely coupled subagents which could run on a different
           processor or operating system and communicate with the Master
           Agent using TCP.

It looks like the AgentX++ Pro is the way to go.. Since there are make
examples for HPUX11. But I'm not sure where to go from here.

Output from the subagent example follows:
 (2)EVENT  : SubAgentXMib: opening socket
 (1)INFO   : SubAgentX: bound local (socket)(sd):
(/var/agentx/subagent20702), (3)
 (1)ERROR  : AgentX: could not connect unix domain socket (location):
 (1)EVENT  : AgentXSlave: listening on TCP (socket)(port): (3), (705)
 (1)ERROR  : AgentX: could not connect TCP socket (port)(errno): (705),
 (1)ERROR  : SuAgentXMib: could not bind any port. Aborting.
 (1)WARNING: SubAgentXMib: not conntected with master agent!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Brad Lowe

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