Generating a config change trap

Frank Fock
Wed Sep 4 18:47:13 CEST 2002


Unless the trap should be generated for every SET PDU
sent to the master (which I would not consider this
a good design), putting the trap trigger code in the
master is not helpful.

I would suggest putting it in the
MibLeaf::commit_set_request or
MibLeaf::cleanup_set_request method (it is easier to
put it into commit_set_request but may be you have
requirements so that the latter one fits better).

Please note, do not use NotificationOriginator in an
AgentX++ subagent, use SubAgentXMib::notify instead.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Faye Ly wrote:
> Frank,
> I have a question for you, I need to generate a SNMP
> v2c trap that is triggered per "SNMP set PDU request" is
> completed successfully.  This is to notify the network
> manager that something has changed so it knows if it
> needs to re-fresh it's database.
> Logically it will be best if this trap is generated by
> the master agent as it keeps all the states of a single
> PDU that may or may not be traversing multiple sub-agents.  
> But I need your advice on this.
> Your help will be greatly appreciated.
> -faye

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