[Fwd: RE: implementing a large table over a database]

Martin Janzen janzen____pixelmetrix.com
Tue Apr 8 04:31:18 CEST 2003

Dave Barratt wrote:
> Thanks for your excellent posting on dynamic tables, its saving me alot of
> headaches.

Glad to hear it!

> As a newbie to Agent development I was wondering if you could
> expand on what the following methods you reference in your examples below
> would actually do...
> bool MyDatabaseTable::loadRow(const Oidx& indexOid)
 > {
       // This extracts the database key from the index OID, and updates
       // the columns of the corresponding row in the MIB table.  If your
       // MIB design corresponds fairly closely to your database schema,
       // this ought to be easy:

       // Make sure the caller has handled all the special cases.
       assert(indexOID.len() == 1);  // (adjust for number of keys)

       // Extract key(s) from the index OID.
       int key1 = indexOID[0];
       if ( /* key1 is invalid */ ) return false;

       return fillRow(key1);
 > }

> bool MyDatabaseTable::fillRow(int slot)
 > {
       // Look up the necessary data in the database.  In this case,
       // 'slot' is the database key.

       // Create a new row, then fill it in.
       Agentpp::Oidx indexOID;
       indexOID += slot;    // set the row index
       Agentpp::MibTableRow* pRow = mTable.add_row(indexOID);
       mTable.set_row(pRow, /* data values for columns... */);
       return true;
 > }

The set_row() method is generated by AgentPro, but if you're not using 
that, typically you just need something like this to fill the columns:

   void tspTransportStreamEntry::set_row(
       MibTableRow* r, unsigned long p0, long p1, [...])
       r->get_nth(0)->replace_value(new Gauge32(p0));
       r->get_nth(1)->replace_value(new SnmpInt32(p1));

> bool MyDatabaseTable::checkSlotIndex(int slot, Oidx indexOid, int i)

Just an implementation detail.  I have lots of objects keyed by 'slot', 
so this does the key extraction and validity check described above. 
Should have deleted it from the example.


Martin Janzen
janzen at pixelmetrix dot com

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