head file generation with agenpro2

zhengqiang 27012 zhengqiang____huawei.com
Mon Apr 21 05:19:26 CEST 2003

Hi all,

I have a question on agenpr2 during header file generation.

The scalars of OBJECT-TYPE which is used for NOTIFICATION-TYPE did not 
generate the constant defination in c++ header file.

I had checked the template: h_code.vm,
// Scalars
#foreach ( $leaf in $scalars )
#set( $len = $DEFAULT_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH - $leaf.getName().length() - 3 )
#define #getOidName($leaf)#space($len) "$leaf.getPrintableOid().0"

My understanding, all the scalars shall have a constant defination in header file.

Thank you very much for your kindly help.


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