Integrating agenPro generated code with agent++

Henning Eggers
Mon Apr 28 09:57:01 CEST 2003

Been on holiday, sorry for the delay.

> Looking at the examples in the agent++/examples directory I see that most
> the MibLeaf inherited classes seem to have a get_request method yet my
> generated code does not have this. Any idea why this might be? My
> code only has a constructor, destructor and clone method for each mib

Did you choose to generate the get_request and set methods in agen pro ?
There is a screen in the program allowing you to choose which methods get

> Also should my get_request method (be it generated or hand crafted) just
> call MibLeaf::get_request(req, ind) or should this be where I go and get
> data from my hardware and then call MibLeaf::get_request?

I do both. First I access my hardware and then call the parent method. Those
are definetly the best places for hardware access.

Happy belated Easter to everybody!

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