upgrade questions

Dave Mason dmason____transat-tech.com
Wed Jan 29 18:12:29 CET 2003

Hi all,
I have been running along happily with agent++v3.5.3a and snmp++v3.1.6c 
on Red Hat 7.2 for a while now, picking up an occasional fix here and 
there as needed.  Yes, we're a bit behind the times, and I'm curious 
what upgrade issues we're looking at.  The first one we'll probably need 
to deal with is going to Red Hat 8, which has gcc 3.2.  Are there any 
known problems with that?  Is anything expected to break?  (We now have 
gcc 2.96-98.)

Next, sooner or later we'll need to catch up to the latest 
agent++/snmp++ distributions.  I have followed the change lists for the 
newer versions, but I dont remember seeing anything about the newer 
releases not being backward compatible.  Can I take my code, which 
inherits off the toolkit classes, and run it with the latest 
agent++/snmp++?  I'm sure you can, but I wonder if there are any fixes I 
need to do to my code to make it work.


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