NO_SUCH_INSTANCE exception not being caught in v2c - snmp++

Pallavi Mahajan
Tue Jul 29 12:45:37 CEST 2003


Attached is a simple snmpGet program using snmp++, which tries to fetch the value of an OID.
In case I enter a wrong OID, no error is returned, instead the value returned is "".

If I do the same by changing the version to v1, a proper error is returned in case of wrong OID.

For example: in the program attached which uses v2c:
If I enter (sysName) as the OID, I should get a proper error; whereas i dont get any error, but get a value of "".
If I enter (sysName.0) as the OID, I get the proper sysName value.

Please let me know if this is a known bug, or is there something wrong in our handling.

-------------- next part --------------
#include <iostream.h>
#include <snmp_pp.h>

#define SYSNAME_OID ""

	int status;
	Snmp snmp(status);
	if (status != SNMP_CLASS_SUCCESS)
		cout << "ERROR in initializing:: " << snmp.error_msg(status) << endl;
		return 0;

	char ip[200];
	cout << "Enter IP of the machine to be managed: ";
	cin >> ip;

	int port;
	cout << "Enter port: ";
	cin >> port;

	UdpAddress address(ip);
	CTarget ctarget( address);
	//CTarget ctarget( (IpAddress)ip);

	char sysname_oid[100];
	cout << "enter oid: (1 for sysname) ";
	cin >> sysname_oid;

	if (strcmp(sysname_oid, "1") == 0)
		strcpy(sysname_oid, SYSNAME_OID);

	Pdu pdu;
	Vb vb(sysname_oid);
	pdu += vb;

	if ( (status = snmp.get(pdu, ctarget))  != SNMP_CLASS_SUCCESS )
		cout << "error #: " << status << endl;
		cout << "ERROR in get..:: " << snmp.error_msg(status) << endl;
		return 0;
		pdu.get_vb(vb, 0);
		if (strcmp(vb.get_printable_value(), ""))
			cout << "Value = " << vb.get_printable_value() << endl;
			cout << "error.." << endl;

	return 1;

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