What happened?

Jochen Katz katz____agentpp.com
Wed Jun 4 23:08:08 CEST 2003


> When I replace the snmp++ 3.2.1b with 3.2.7c , there are many errors
> like the following:

from the Changelog I would assume that you will get compilation errors 
in your code (Most of them should be easy to fix), but...

> snmp++\include\oid.h(416) : error C2678: binary '<' : no operator
> defined which takes a left-hand operand of type 'const class Oid' (or
> there is no acceptable conversion)

.. not something like this. As it compiles for me, I would assume some 
compiler setting that leads to this problem with this inline function. 
You could move the function to oid.cpp as a workaround.


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