Why use "Multithreaded Debug" and not "Multithreaded DLL Debug" ?

Stefan.Mueller-Wilken____resco.de Stefan.Mueller-Wilken____resco.de
Wed Mar 19 16:45:31 CET 2003

.. I'm still struggling with the strange behaviour of my Agent++/TAO
application. It seems as if a potential problem could arise from the fact
that ACE has to be compiled with "Multithreaded DLL" code generation while
the Agent++ FAQ states that Agent++ _must_ be compiled with "Multithreaded"
(not DLL) code generation. ACE/TAO will not even compile without
"Multithreaded DLL" parameter so that's what I had to choose for Agent++ as

Question now: what's the effect of using "Multithreaded DLL" setting in
Agent++? Could it be that this is causing my problems? What's the reason
not to use "DLL" code generation in Agent++?


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