[AGENT++] Building Agent++ using BCC 5.0 in windows 2000

Sujithra P.Sujithra at isoftel.com
Fri Feb 27 13:55:59 CET 2004

Hi all,

    I tried to build agent++ using bcc 5.0, in windows 2000 Professional.

  The compiler gave me the following error

Error ..\include\List.h 1261: 'clone' is not a member of 'TaskManager' in
function Array<TaskManager>::clone()
Error ..\include\List.h 1273: 'clone' is not a member of 'TaskManager' in
function Array<TaskManager>::operator =(const Array<TaskManager> &)
Error ..\include\List.h 421: Too many error or warning messages in template

I downloaded the following files from www.agentpp.com

    1) agent++v3.5.16.tar
    2) snmp++v3.2.10a.tar
    3) libdes-l-4.01.tar

    I was able to build libdes.lib, using Borland C++ 5.0 IDE.

Then I tried to build agent++, using the makefile - Makefile.bcc, i got the
above error.

Can anyone advice me on what could be the problem?

    I need agent++ library in borland c++, for our application compiled
using borland c++.

Please help me to solve the compilation errors..


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