[AGENT++] Determine instance within get_request

Blake Sorensen blake.sorensen at digitalenvoy.net
Wed Jul 7 14:18:32 CEST 2004

Fehde, Marcus wrote:

> Good morning,
> I have a MibTable with derived MibLeaf objects as the columns. I need to know the instance of the corresponding row within the get_request method. How can I determine it? Do I have to deal with the OID (part it into base, column and instance) or is there any other way I've not found, yet?

You need the row reference? Try:

void MySNMPValue::get_request(Request *req, int &ind)
     // Get Row handle
     MibTableRow *myRow = get_reference_to_row();

Hope that helps!

Blake Sorensen
Software Engineer, Digital Envoy

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