[AGENT++] replace_value() problem

Blake Sorensen blake.sorensen at digitalenvoy.net
Wed Jun 2 22:01:26 CEST 2004

I'm trying to reset the value of a table entry as each get request comes 
in, but the application crashes when I try and reassign 'value' in the 
overloaded get_request. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've based the 
code off of the various examples. Everything works fine as long as I 
don't try and reassign the value.

The MibLeaf in question:

class dbIsLoaded: public MibLeaf
     dbIsLoaded(const Oidx &oid, mib_access access);
     virtual MibEntryPtr clone();
     virtual ~dbIsLoaded();
     virtual void get_request(Request *req, int ind);
     DB   **databases;

void dbIsLoaded::get_request(Request *req, int ind)
     int dbInd = (int)req->get_oid(ind).last();

     if (databases[dbInd]->isDBLoaded())
         *((OctetStr*)value) = OctetStr("yes");
         *((OctetStr*)value) = OctetStr("no");


The leaf is added to the table with:
add_col(new dbIsLoaded("3",READWRITE));

And the initial value sets fine with:
// ...
MibTableRow *r = st->add_row(ind);
r->get_nth(2)->replace_value(new OctetStr("yes"));
// ...

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Blake Sorensen
Software Engineer, Digital Envoy

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