[AGENT++] Logging output to a file...

Mr. AWD mrawd at excite.com
Thu Nov 4 22:28:45 CET 2004

Hi there!

I am trying to get all of the output from the screen into the file, but so far I am no happy with my results. One thing that I found is in the DefaultLog::log() function (see bellow), but this requires me to change the "agent++/include/log.h" file.

static AgentLog* log() 
{ if (!instance) init(new AgentLogImpl("snmp_log.txt")); return instance; }

Is there a nicer way to do this?

Also, once this is done only agent++ logs its outputs into the specified file. snmp++ on the other hand seem to be a different story. Any clean way to get snmp++ ouput to the same file?



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