[AGENT++] Saving & loading Mib Table to file

Patrice Bentolila patricebento at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 5 14:35:38 CET 2004

Hello Franck,
this time I send you a message to the mailing-list,
reducing your personnal hard drive contribution :).

I have to save to/load from file a Mib Table.
I'm using load_from_file and save_to_file functions.
It works with simple scalars, but not with table.

In the "mytable()" constructor, I add the 3 columns
and the 8 lines it contains. The third column is the only read-write access.
I try to load it, using get_nth(2)->load_from_file, without success.
I also try to load all the table without adding rows and after saving
the table once.

Best regards,

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