[AGENT++] Maximum message size

Fehde, Marcus Marcus.Fehde at draeger.com
Mon Nov 29 12:50:38 CET 2004

Moin Jochen,

Thanks for you support. It's a mystery, but only my machine seems to be
affected. My team members are running the agent without any problems. So
forget it :) We'll analyse the problem in order to find the difference
between my machine and the machines of the rest of the world.


-----Original Message-----
From: agentpp-bounces at agentpp.org [mailto:agentpp-bounces at agentpp.org]
On Behalf Of Jochen Katz
Sent: Freitag, 26. November 2004 21:25
Cc: Agent++ Mailing List
Subject: Re: [AGENT++] Maximum message size

Hi Marcus,

> So I tried to reduce the stack usage by configuring SNMP++/Agent++ to 
> an appropriate maximum message length of 2048 bytes (assumption: 1024

> bytes value + OID + SNMPv3 security stuff + X). I verified this with  
> a network analyzer. After that the only thing I received is 
> "usmStatsUnknownEngineIDs" as  response.

I limited the size to 1000 for examples SnmpNext and atm_mib agent and 
had no problems doing a walk on the agent.

> I tried the same with 3072 bytes and failed again. A message size of
> 4096 bytes works fine.

> Does someone has an idea? Is there any constraint to the minimum
> message size?

I don't know of any. As you are able to use a network analyzer: ;-) How
does the message exchange look like? For the first request you 
should see a report "unknown engine id", then a "not in time" report and

finaly a valid response.

Does the agent send a "unknown engine id" to the second request or does 
the manager stop after receiving the first "unknown engine id" report?


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