[AGENT++] [ANN] SNMP++.NET 1.04

maom_onet at poczta.onet.pl maom_onet at poczta.onet.pl
Tue Sep 14 17:19:51 CEST 2004

Dear friends,

I would like to announce the availability of SNMP++.NET v. 1.04. Main new features include asynchronous mode for tables retrieval in TableReader, and a dispatcher thread for the asynchronous interface. Also, a number of smaller fixes and improvements have been made. Please read ReleaseNotes, included in the distribution, for details.

What is SNMP++.NET?

SNMP++.NET is a set of .NET wrappers for the well-known SNMP++ library, which was originally written by Peter Mellquist of HP and now is being improved and maintained by Johen Katz and Frank Fock at Agent++ web site (www.agentpp.com). SNMP++.NET comes with the same license as SNMP++, which basically means that it is completely free.

SNMP++.NET Features

SNMP++.NET supports most important features of SNMP++. All three versions of SNMP (SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, SNMPv3) and all PDU types are supported. For details, refer to the project page.

SNMP++.NET is available at http://republika.pl/maom_onet/snmp/snmp_ppnet/

Marek Malowidzki

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