[AGENT++] Question about get_bulk

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Wed Dec 21 00:26:24 CET 2005


> Can someone explain what the behaviour should be when I call get_bulk
> for a version_1 target?
> - Do I get the complete pdu returned (so the library splits it in
> get-next's)
> - Do I get the first get_next returned and should I call the method's
> again like a get_next.

it's the second one: snmp++ just sends a get-next and you should do
additional get-bulks/get-nexts.


    if (( pdu_action == sNMP_PDU_GETBULK)&&
        ((snmp_version)version== version1))
      pdu_action = sNMP_PDU_GETNEXT;

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