[AGENT++] Problem with trap receive...

Fedja Jeleskovic mrawd2 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 00:50:52 CET 2005

Hi there,

I am trying to create a simple management application for my internal testing and I started with the original example from the snmp++ 2.8. When used with the old snmp++ library most of the features are working fine. But, after replacing the old library with the latest version of snmp++ (in order to include V3 into the picture and stay with the same code base), traps stopped working.

So far there was a difference in the initialization that includes the startup of the socket subsystem, and that was just fine for the Get, GetNext, and Set operations. The only problem was due to the lack of the mechanism that calls SNMPProcessPendingEvents(), so when that part was implemented things started to work fine.

Now, I am wondering if I am facing the same problem here, since symptoms are very similar and call back function never gets called. The thing is that receive window would need to be up all the time, and that loop would have to be running forever. Still have to try whether this would fix the things, but in the meantime if there is another way to make this to work I would appreciate it!


Fedja Jeleskovic

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