[AGENT++] Re: recvfrom's blocking and process grinding to a halt

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Thu Mar 23 22:24:19 CET 2006


> However, looking at the code in uxsnmp.cpp I did notice one more thing.  In
> Snmp::init() I see that a socket gets allocated with a socket() call early
> on, then if that succeeds a bind() call occurs.  If either of these fails
> construct_status is set to some error code.  Then in the destructor the
> construct_status member is checked, and if not set to an error the socket is
> closed by a call to close().  The issue here is if the socket() call
> succeeded, but the bind() call failed, then the socket is never closed.
> There should probably be a close() call within the error handling right
> after the bind() call fails.  This appears to apply to both ipv4 and ipv6
> within the function.

ok, I removed the construct_status vars and now check the socket vars
for INVALID_SOCKET. And there was another issue, the eventlistholder
wasn't deleted either. Just wait for the next snapshot...


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