[AGENT++] few questions about UTargets and SNMPv3 trap sending

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Mon Oct 16 22:37:09 CEST 2006


> 1.	If UTarget is used for sending SNMPv3 traps and CTarget for v1, and
> v2c, why is important to set version in target?

UTarget can also be used for v1/v2c.

> 2.	When trying to use UTarget and setting security name and specifying
> priv and auth level to noAuth and noPriv, trap returns value SUCCESS (0),

If you get success, the trap has been sent. You can verify this through
a packet sniffer.

> DEBUG : SNMPMessage: v3MP return value for build message: (-1401). 
> What does (-1401) stands for? Is it connected with USM and v3MP?

It is the OK return code of v3MP (see snmperrs.h)

> But trap still isn't received by manager.

The manager drops the trap for a unknown reason. Can you get some Log
info from the manager.

>    v3mp->add_to_engine_id_table(this->engineID,"",162);

This line is wrong: you tell the v3MP that the manager on port 162 has
the same engine id as the agent --> This will not work! If you don't
turn engine id discovery off, you don't have to add any engine ids to
the v3MP table.


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