[AGENT++] simple MibTable registration problem (with the AgentX++ master)

Razvan Cojocaru razvan.cojocaru at kaspersky.ro
Fri Apr 6 13:44:18 CEST 2007

Indeed, the table doesn't seem to register, even with the AgentX++
master. I've used the agentX++/examples/master/src compiled binary as a
master. I am attaching the full minimal test code (Makefile and .cpp),
and the master and subagent logs.

The table OID is It appears in the
following line in the subagent log:

20070406.14:36:28: 7151: (3)DEBUG  : MibContext: adding MIB object
(context)(oid): (), (

But it is nowhere to be found in the master log.

This seems like a simple enough test, and since the basic promise was
that Agent++ code works with minimal changes as an AgentX subagent, and
since that code works as a standalone agent, I can only assume that
either I'm doing something wrong (do I need to fiddle with
add_agent_caps() to let the subagent know I want it to be able to handle
dynamic tables?), or that there's some bug somewhere.

Please help, as

Razvan Cojocaru
KeyID: 1024D/04CA34DE

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