[AGENT++] Query in Creating row

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Mon Apr 16 23:24:35 CEST 2007


> I am implementing SNMP agent using  Agent++. According to my requirement
> in case of row creation using SNMP SET  i  need to store the row in  the
> database. But it looks like it is stored in  the  memory in Agent++ .

yes, the MibTable class holds all the rows in memory.

>  1) Is there any way to  access (any API provided by agent++ ) the rows
> stored in agent++ memory?

Yes, MibTable class has vmethods like rows() or get_rows().

> 2) Can we configure agent++ such a way that  it will  not store rows in
> agent++ memory?

No, you will have to implement this in your code (as there is no generic
way to do this). agent++ provides the MibComplexEntry that can be
subclassed to do what you want.

> 3) Is there any way to get all the column values at a time in the
> handler code so that I can store those values in database?

Either you can walk through the rows or you could use get_contents().


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