[AGENT++] SNMPv3_ parallel access

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Wed Dec 12 21:43:06 CET 2007


> Ok I guess I understand now :) that we use this overloaded method 
> specifying the valid authoratative engine ID , this should fix the 
> problem as the underlyign implementation
> will then correctly localize the keys - the user  ?
> *int add_usm_user(const** OctetStr& user_name,*
> *const** OctetStr& security_name,*
> *const long int** auth_protocol,*
> *const long int** priv_protocol,*
> *const** OctetStr& auth_password,*
> *const** OctetStr& priv_password,*
> *const** OctetStr& /_engine_id);_/*

yes, if you use this function, _one_ entry for the given engine id is 
created. You can do this for every engine id and there is no need to 
allways add and delete the users.

> Now does this engine ID have to be the real remote engine
 > ID or can it be some unique value -> say the the ip
 > address of the agent ?

It has to be the real engine id of the remote agent.
To get it, you can either use use a temporary Snmp object and call the 
engine_id_discovery() function or send a dummy get request with an empty 
user name to the agent and use the v3MP::get_from_engine_id_table() 
function afterwards.


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