[AGENT++] Problem getting correct info using the snmpGet example with v3

Altaf Aali altaf.aali at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 23:39:15 CEST 2007


I am trying to use the snmpGet sample application to talk to an agent via
V3. I have wrapped the application in a script  snmpget.sh as follows:

./snmpGet $1 -v3 -P161 -r1 -t100 -snAdmin1 -sl3 -sm3
-ceTW3320568 -authMD5 -privDES -uatellabs1$ -uptellabs1$

No matter which OID I supply to the parameter ($1 above), I always get the
following values:

Oid =
Value = 13

... instead of the one for my desired OID

Here's a sample output from running the following:

PrivProt : 2
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (3)DEBUG  : getBootCounter: found entry (file)
(engine id) (boot counter): (snmpv3_boot_counter), (snmpGet), (24)
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (5)INFO   : saveBootCounter: Saved counter (file)
(engine id) (boot): (snmpv3_boot_counter), (snmpGet), (25)
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (6)INFO   : AuthPriv: Added auth protocol (id): (3)
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (6)INFO   : AuthPriv: Added auth protocol (id): (2)
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (6)INFO   : AuthPriv: Added priv protocol (id): (2)
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (3)INFO   : AuthPriv: Added default Auth and Priv
SNMP++ Get to SNMPV3 Retries=1 Timeout=1000ms
securityName= Admin1, securityLevel= 3, securityModel= 3
contextName= , contextEngineID=   00 03 32 05
68                                     ..2.h

20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (4)INFO   : v3MP::EngineIdTable: Dont know engine
id for (host) (port): (, (161)
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (5)DEBUG  : v3MP: Building message with
(SecurityEngineID) (securityName) (securityLevel) (contextEngineID)
(contextName): (), (Admin1), (1), (  00 03 32 05 68            ..2.h
), ()
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (3)INFO   : v3MP: Message built OK
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (4)DEBUG  : SNMPMessage: return value for build
message: (-1401)
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (5)DEBUG  : v3MP: Building message with
(SecurityEngineID) (securityName) (securityLevel) (contextEngineID)
(contextName): (TW3320568), (Admin1), (3), (  00 03 32 05
68                     ..2.h
), ()
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (4)INFO   : USMTimeTable: Returning time (engine
id) (boot) (time): (TW3320568), (0), (0)
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (3)INFO   : v3MP: Message built OK
20070330.16:19:58: 1174: (4)DEBUG  : SNMPMessage: return value for build
message: (-1401)
20070330.16:19:59: 1174: (5)DEBUG  : v3MP: Building message with
(SecurityEngineID) (securityName) (securityLevel) (contextEngineID)
(contextName): (TW3320568), (Admin1), (3), (  00 03 32 05
68                     ..2.h
), ()
20070330.16:19:59: 1174: (4)INFO   : USMTimeTable: Returning time (engine
id) (boot) (time): (TW3320568), (4), (256362)
20070330.16:19:59: 1174: (3)INFO   : v3MP: Message built OK
20070330.16:19:59: 1174: (4)DEBUG  : SNMPMessage: return value for build
message: (-1401)
Received a report pdu: SNMP: Unknown Error Status
Oid =
Value = 13

I have verified talking to the Agent using similar parameters via the MGSOFT
MIB browser.

Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong here with the parameters since
there is no failure but the result is not accurate either?


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