[AGENT++] how to run/test SNMP++v3.2 and AGENT++v3.5

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Fri Jan 11 22:21:28 CET 2008

Hi again,

> Now I want to run the programs. What should I do ? How should I test
> them. Which programs should I run?

agent++ comes with several example agents. For example you can just run

All example agents listen for requests on UDP port 4700.

To send requests to the agent, you can use the snmp++ consoleExamples:
A call to
snmp++/consoleExamples/snmpNext localhost -P4700
will result in the response
Oid =
Value = AGENT++v3.5.29 ATM Simulation Agent

A SNMPv3 example would be
snmp++/consoleExamples/snmpNext localhost -P4700 -v3 -snMD5DES -sl3
-authMD5 -privDES -uaMD5DESUserAuthPassword -upMD5DESUserPrivPassword

> Is there a User Manual for how to use SNMP++v3.2 and AGENT++v3.5 ?

agent++ comes with doxygen documentation, snmp++ is prepared for doxygen
documentation, but the generated files are not included. You can either
create them yourself, or go to http://sa-ha.de/tmp_doc/


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