[AGENT++] Question about Mib's Loadfile and SaveFile

Joe joez at aten-ca.com
Fri Jan 18 17:51:25 CET 2008

Hi all,

I have compiled the agent++/snmp++ . Now it worked. But I got some question about Mib.Loadfile() & Savefile function. I try to set the global path to it. and place the Mibs txt file ,but the Loadfile function seems don't recognize the Mibs txt file. It seems it recognize other format file. Is it right? As I know , in the main(). We have called the function init() to add mib based on the Class we defined. Those classes presented the Mibs we need to support in our system. So why we still need to call the Mib->init to load file from disk? Now I have remarked the mib->init function. Is it ok for our agent? Thanks a lot!


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