[AGENT++] Table with double index

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Wed Nov 26 00:59:24 CET 2008

Chaim Turkel - Israel wrote:
> How do I delete all rows based on the first index only?
Create and Oidx with the table's OID +
the first accessible column's index +
the first index. Then iterate over
the column instances within the index
range and delete the corresponding rows.

For example (pseudo code):

Oidx iterOID = new Oidx(tableOID);
iterOID += colIndex;
Oidx col2 = new Oidx(iterOid);
iterOID += myIndex;

for (MibLeaf* l = table->find_next(iterOID);
      (l) && (col2.is_root_of(iterOID));
      l = table->find_next(iterOID)) {
   iterOID = l->get_oid();

Best regards,

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