[AGENT++] Re: Getting agent++ to build under Mac OS X

Xochitl Lunde Xochitl_Lunde at tripplite.com
Tue Feb 3 23:45:33 CET 2009

> Hi,
> just one addition: Use the latest snapshots from
> http://oosnmp.com/~katz/snapshot/ as these include some changes for Mac
> Regards,
>   Jochen

Alright, I've started with the snmp++ library from that link.  In 
there are several Makefiles, but none of them are for Mac OS from what I 
can tell. 
I have been using the .linux Makefiles all day today.  Is that the one I 
should use?

In snmp++ I get errors about gethostbyaddr_r and gethostbyname_r.
address.cpp: 828 and 965
I see there are macro wraps on this, but my leopard computer doesn't 
figure this out.

There are a few other issues that I'll double check with your new shapshot 
before I
bother you with them.

The strangest error I get (I'll let you know if this is fixed by your new 
is when building agent++:

ld: duplicate symbol Agentpp::Array<Agentpp::Thread>::size() constin 
threads_sh.o and mib_sh.o

Thanks for your replies,

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