[AGENT++] error in sending request

aymen amri amriaymen at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 2 12:57:08 CEST 2010

Hi All

I'm trying to send a test Msg using the send_snmp_request function.
When I let the code by default running the code that I wrote doesnt apprear so I commented it

Firstly I declared needed variable As follows: 
    UdpAddress serv_adr;
    SnmpSocket sock_sn = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    unsigned char *test_buffer_to_send = (unsigned char*)"Test Msg \n";

Then I did the call of the function : 
    //affecting values of the server which has the role of SNMP MANAGER
    serv_adr = UdpAddress("");
    //sending an snmp request to the srever

but nothing is shown in the server application and what I get in Execution Is :
the date and time:6040:(1)DEBUG : ++ SNMP++: sending to
the date and time:6040:(3)DEBUG : 54 65 73 20 4D 73 67 20 0A
the date and time:6040:(1)DEBUG : Error sending packet : No error

Is there any wrong step in my code,and what Shall I do if want to test to send a trap

Best Regards


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