[AGENT++] segmentation fault when using snmptable and "Wrong Type" when using snmpwalk

Marc Van Daele marc.van.daele at zappware.com
Fri Jun 17 11:19:20 CEST 2011


I'm trying to convert my code from net-snmp to agentpp.
I try to create a simple table wherein every row consists of an index, a 
string and a RowStatus.
I want to create the following table
    1 "aaa" active
    2 "bbb" active
    3 "ccc" active
and I would like to use snmptable on this table.

However, when I run snmpwalk, I get
[Marc at zapptop035 ~]$ snmpwalk -v2c -c public 
FLUX-MIB::recordingIdx = INTEGER: 1
FLUX-MIB::recording = Wrong Type (should be OCTET STRING): INTEGER: 2
FLUX-MIB::recordingRowStatus = INTEGER: notReady(3)
FLUX-MIB::recordingsTable.2.1 = STRING: "aaa"
FLUX-MIB::recordingsTable.2.2 = STRING: "bbb"
FLUX-MIB::recordingsTable.2.3 = STRING: "ccc"
FLUX-MIB::recordingsTable.3.1 = INTEGER: 1
FLUX-MIB::recordingsTable.3.2 = INTEGER: 1
FLUX-MIB::recordingsTable.3.3 = INTEGER: 1

and when I run snmptable, I get
[Marc at zapptop035 ~]$ snmptable -v2c -c public 
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

so I guess I made a stupid error somewhere but I fail to locate it.
Could someone have a look at the code fragment and MIB below?

Thanks in advance,


My code is
     const index_info indDynamicTable[] = {
           { sNMP_SYNTAX_INT, FALSE, 1, 1 }

     ExampleTable::ExampleTable(): MibTable(
             indDynamicTable, 1)

         currentRequest = 0;
         add_col(new MibLeaf("1", READCREATE, new SnmpInt32(0), 
         add_col(new MibLeaf("2", READCREATE, new OctetStr(""), 
         add_col(new snmpRowStatus("3"));

         Oidx oid =  get_next_avail_index();
         MibTableRow* row = add_row(oid);
         row->get_nth(0)->replace_value(new SnmpInt32(1));
         row->get_nth(1)->replace_value(new OctetStr("aaa"));
         row->get_nth(2)->replace_value(new SnmpInt32(rowActive));
         oid =  get_next_avail_index();
         row = add_row(oid);
          row->get_nth(0)->replace_value(new SnmpInt32(2));
         row->get_nth(1)->replace_value(new OctetStr("bbb"));
         row->get_nth(2)->replace_value(new SnmpInt32(rowActive));
         oid =  get_next_avail_index();
         row = add_row(oid);
         row->get_nth(0)->replace_value(new SnmpInt32(3));
         row->get_nth(1)->replace_value(new OctetStr("ccc"));
         row->get_nth(2)->replace_value(new SnmpInt32(rowActive));


and my MIB is (this mib worked with net-snmp so I guess it is correct)

recordingsTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF RecordingEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
     DESCRIPTION "The table with recordings"
     ::= { rrec 1 }

recordingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      RecordingEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
     DESCRIPTION "A single recording row"
     INDEX   { recordingIdx }
     ::= { recordingsTable 1 }

RecordingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     recordingIdx          Integer32,
     recording             OCTET STRING,
     recordingRowStatus    RowStatus

recordingIdx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65000)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
     DESCRIPTION "the ID of the recording"
     ::= { recordingEntry 1 }

recording OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..2048))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
     DESCRIPTION "the XML fragment describing the recording"
     ::= { recordingEntry 2 }

recordingRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS   read-write
     STATUS       current
     DESCRIPTION "The status of this recording"
     ::= { recordingEntry 3 }

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