[AGENT++] GETBULK fails with non default size

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Tue May 17 21:24:36 CEST 2011


> MAX_PACKET_SIZE of 4096. Are they any side effects of using a larger
> packet size (apart of the increased memory usage)?

not for snmp++ itself, but as big packets are fragmented on the network
the likelihood of packet loss increases.

> Is there any reason why the buffer size isn't based on the size of
> the incoming response? Or at least, the buffer size is increased
> dynamically to accommodate larger responses?

To be on the safe side, the buffer would have to be increased to 65536
bytes. All buffers are allocated on the stack with MAX_PACKET_SIZE. This
would have to be changed to dynamic heap memory allocations.

Just a side note: With SNMPv3 you wouldn't have seen this problem.


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