[AGENT++] Broken pipe error with subagent

Claus Klein claus.klein at arcormail.de
Sun Oct 21 14:37:37 CEST 2012


I have found that the SIGPIPE signal can also happens at an agentx  
subagent when the response is delayed and the master agent (net-snmp  
in this case) close the session after timeout:

agentx/master: close transport
agentx/master: response too late on session 0x39e660

The subagent examples do not handle this signal?

So I added the following code to the main:

// catch SIGPIPE and ignore it this can occur when the master agent dies
// and we are trying to send a delayed responce
#ifndef _WIN32
	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

But how can it handled right under Windows?

Can anyone please help?

Thanks in advance
Best Regards

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