[AGENT++] The type 'Snmp_pp::UdpAddress' must implement the inherited pure virtual method 'Snmp_pp::Address::operator ='

Florian Butter florian.butter at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 13 12:07:21 CEST 2014

Hi at all,
Since I´m going to develop my Agent with the Eclipse IDE I began with importing one of the Examples as a new Project into Exlipse.
# File -> Import -> C/C++ -> Existing Code as Makefile Project
# I Used the Linux GCC Toolchain for Indexer Settings
I compiled the Agent++ and the SNMP++ with the autoconf and did a “make install” to copy the includes in the “/usr/local/include” folder.
The Problem is that the untouched agent.cpp example shows always the same Error:
# The type 'Snmp_pp::UdpAddress' must implement the inherited pure virtual method 'Snmp_pp::Address::operator ='
# (agent.cpp    /cmd_exe_mib/src        line 221)
All the code is untouched and I can build this example without Problems using the Makefile, that’s why I think it needs to be a Eclipse configuration Problem.
Thank you very much in advanced!

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