[AGENT++] Get request with multiple OID

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Thu May 1 20:53:41 CEST 2014


> I'm trying to get multiple values with one single get request, but I
> noticed that if one of the variables is incorrect I'll get an error even if
> the other variables are good. I was expecting to get a value for the good
> ones and an error for the other.
> There is any way to achieve this in a single get? or do I need to do the
> get request one by one?

your code uses SNMPv1, so in the response pdu the error_status and
error_index are set to identify which Oid caused the error.

If you use SNMPv2c ("ctarget.set_version(version2c);"), you will get the
wanted behaviour.


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