[AGENT++] Released: AgenPro 4.0, SNMP4J-SMI 1.5.2, SNMP4J-Agent 2.3

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Mon Oct 20 23:57:45 CEST 2014


AgenPro 4.0 has been released with a lot new features and usability 
The 4.0 version is the basis for the SNMP client code generation 
templates (for SNMP4J-Model 1.0)
which will be added in version 4.1 which - as usual - will be a free 
upgrade to all 4.x users!

I hope you will enjoy the new version. All AgenPro 3.x users who 
purchased their license in 2014
will rceive the free upgrade license key within the next 48 hours on 
their registered
email address.

SNM4J-Agent 2.3 and SNMP4J-SMI-PRO 1.5.2 have been released too. Both
versions provide bug fixes in the first place. In SNMP4J-Agent the MOFactory
interface had to be extended to fix a bug with the AgenPro code generation.


AgenPro  4.0

* Improved: MIB Editor view with new error stripe and quick search panel.
* Added: Simulation Agent Data panel to directly enter simulation data
   which can be even synchronized with Properties to generate intialization
* Added: Nimbus look&feel support.
* Improved [AGEN-26]: Sign JLNP files for even more secure WebStart feature.
* Added [AGEN-22]: TLS support for the built-in simulation agent.
* Added [AGEN-29]: Display MIB objects included in current project
   for code generation with bold font.
* Updated: AgenPro 4.x uses Velocity 1.7 templates. Existing templates
   have to escape occurrancesof "#define" with "\#define" because it is
   now keyword in Velocity 1.7. All provided templates have been updated.
* Added: Start/stop toolbar button for simulation agent.
* Added: Job/Project properties editor in project wizard (new step 2).
* Added: AgenUtils.getFileSeparator
* Added: AgenUtils.makeDirHierarchy
* Added: Toolbar integrated search panel to quickly search the MIB tree.
* Added: PIB module support.
* Improved: Parser log dialog with new MIB editor including error stripe
   and improved error location marks.
* Added: Lenient compiler mode option in new parser log to try lenient
  compilation after standard failed with errors.
* Fixed: DEFVAL in SMIv2 can now be also a number for enumerations.
* Fixed: SMI parser: Wrong error message for too long identifiers.
* Fixed: Fixed missing SIZE element in Opaque syntax generation
   (during export).
* Fixed: TableRelation generation (SNMP4J-Agent 2.3/2.0.5 templates).
* Fixed: Multiple validation listener generation
   (SNMP4J-Agent 2.3/2.0.5 templates).
* Fixed: TimeStamp columnar type generation (SNMP4J-Agent 2.3 templates).
* Fixed: Clashes of enum labels with Java language elements: for,
   continue, break, etc. (SNMP4J-Agent 2.3/2.0.5 templates).
* Added: $agenUtils.createHashMap
* Improved: $AgenUtils.is<TC> checks now also check the source module
   to avoid clashes with same name custom objects.
* Improved: $scalars no longer contains readable table index objects.
* Added: Quick search popup for wizard and other MIB module selection
* Added: Help button to wizard dialog to directly access the wizard's

* Fixed: Index object parsing from String of IpAddress values.
* Added: Added SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB to mib repository.
* Added: SmiManager.getIndexStringFromVariables(..) method.
* Fixed: SmiObject.getParent did not return correct object type.
* Fixed: SmiManager.getIndexVariables did not take the entry object
   (instead a column object).
* Fixed: SmiTextualConvention.getDisplayHint returned display hint
   text enclosed in double quotes.
* Improved: System.lineSeparator dependency (Java 6 SE is now
   supported too).

SNMP4J-Agent 2.3.0
* Added: MOFactory.getSysUpTime.
* Fixed: Shutdown of non-used transport mappings with the 
* Fixed: Fixed DefaultMOServer.getManagedObject did not return table 
objects and had
   imperfect performance.
* Fixed NPE in MOScalar.next.
* Improved: Defined SimpleOIDTextFormat as default for PropertyMOInput.
* Added: RowFactory to SNMPv2MIB SysOREntry.
* Fixed: Cast in line 630 to include row class parameter:
   MOMutableTableModel<R> mmodel = (MOMutableTableModel<R>)model;
* Fixed [SFJ-94]: Fixed DefaultMOServer.unregister method for provided 

Best regards,
Frank Fock

Maximilian-Kolbe-Str. 10
73257 Koengen, Germany
Phone: +49 7024 8688230
Fax:   +49 7024 8688231

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