[AGENT++] New Releases SNMP++, AGENT++, AgentX++

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Tue May 5 21:37:08 CEST 2015


The AGENT++ APIs SNMP++ 3.3.5, AGENT++ 4.0.4, and AgentX++ 2.0.6 have been released.
The new releases primarily provide bug fixes - SNMP++ 3.3.5 however also provides a new
set of AES strong encryption privacy protocols, namely AES 192 and 256 for Cisco (like)
devices. Those AES implementations use a different key extension algorithm than it was
defined in the AES192/256 IETF drafts.


SNMP++ 3.3.5:

- Fixed: Added missing length check for key in Priv3DES_EDE::decrypt().
- Added: PrivAESW3DESKeyExt class to allow to contact some Cisco devices.
- Fixed: Configure with --disable-threads
- Fixed: Usage of uninitialized data.
- Added: get_net_address_type().
- Added: clone_as_hex().
- Added: IpAddress::clone_as_hex.
- Fixed: Possible NPE.
- Updated: Version info and fixed old Makefile distribution.

AGENT++ 4.0.4:

* Fixed: Memory leak in UsmUserTable::deleteRows().
* Fixed: SnmpTagValue could not be set to an empty string.
* Improved: Commented out unused log names.
* Fixed: Removed deprecated "pragma interface" and “pragma 
  implementation" pragmas of GCC before 2.7.2.
* Improved: Introduced optional upper limit for GETBULK requests
  that can be globally set: AGENTPP_MAX_GETBULK_REPETITIONS.

AgentX++ 2.0.6:

* Improved: Commented out unused log names.
* Fixed: Removed compiler warnings due to unhandled enums of AgentX index 
  allocation strategies.
* Fixed [APP-39]: Memory leak within process_ax_registration when add_entry 
  fails adding new AgentXNode as part of a split node.
* Improved: Shutdown behavior when agentx->stopit has been set to true, 
  AgentX responses will no longer be processed to speed up shutdown and 
  avoid deadlocks.

Best regards,
Frank Fock

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