[AGENT++] syntax error : identifier 'AuthSHA' while compiling snmp++ 3.3.7 for windows

Jochen Katz katz at agentpp.com
Mon Oct 17 23:15:47 CEST 2016


> I had to remove the line 860 "#if defined(_USE_OPENSSL)" from
> auth_priv.h in version 3.3.7 because I was receiving "syntax error :
> identifier 'AuthSHA'" from line 855 of auth_priv.cpp.

you're right, the AuthSHA class should also be defined if OpenSSL is not
used. For the next release it will be just around the SHA2 classes.

> It wasn't there in 3.3.5. Is there something I've missed while compiling
> this new version? I'm using vs2013 under windows.

It was added (by accident) when the additional SHA2 classes were added,
as the internal SHA implementation does not support SHA2.

Did the removal of the "#if..." solve all problems or do you need a patch?


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