[AGENT++] the BITS construct

Pedro Salgado psalgado at fibernet.es
Thu Nov 16 18:03:21 CET 2017


   I've found the way how to fill "BITS construct" , 
   "xxxxxxxxB" in binary format or "XXH" in hex format,being "b0.....b8B"
   but when MAX-ACCESS is read-write , How can I implement "BITS construct" in write ?
   Does the agent receive the same format too ?

Thanks for your help. 
Best regards. 

----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Pedro Salgado" <psalgado at fibernet.es>
Para: agentpp at agentpp.org
CC: "Carlos San Esteban" <cesteban at fibernet.es>
Enviados: Jueves, 16 de Noviembre 2017 16:40:51
Asunto: [AGENT++] the BITS construct

Hello everybody, 

Does anybody know how to manage Agen++/Agenpro "the BITS construct" ? 
Are there any trouble for that ? 

When I'm generating the code from Agenpro for 

SYNTAX BITS { bitCero(0), bitUno(1), bitDos(2), bitTres(3), bitCuatro(4), bitCinco(5), bitSeis(6), bitSiete(7) , bitOcho(8) , bitNueve(9), bitDiez(10) } 
MAX-ACCESS read-only 
STATUS current 
::= { muxlesEntry 48 } 

in the constructor function appears as 
add_col(new MibLeaf(col_FBN_MUXLE_TW_MlBitRates, READONLY, new NS_SNMP OctetStr())); 

"the BITS construct" is converted in "OctetStr " , Is this like that ? 
How do I have to fill this values ? 

Thanks for your help. 
Best regards. 

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