[AGENT++] Why need the Agentpp::Synchronized class a pthread_cond_t cont member?

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Sun Nov 18 11:27:11 CET 2018

Hi Claus,

The existing code does exactly only unlock locks that it holds and that is magic and the whole purpose of this LockQueue class and the class it used by.
I could be more specific, but I left it as an exercise - like you often do with your blanket comments like:

"There are race conditions in your code!” (Where, when, …?)
"The code is not exception save!” (Did we state that is has to be? Is this a goal by itself? If there are no exceptions, what is "exception save" then? Unused code?..)
"I have send you lots of examples!” (You have send a lot of text, but seldom something specific to a certain issue)

I costs a lot of time and it seems not to be meant as helpful. That is my perception and feedback. 
Please do not be surprised if I am going to be less responsive as almost all other cases. 
I am tired of these kind of discussions and will now stop it - completely.


> On 17. Nov 2018, at 23:16, Claus Klein <claus.klein at arcormail.de> wrote:
>> Am 16.11.2018 um 23:43 schrieb Frank Fock <fock at agentpp.com>:
>> The main purpose of the LockQueue is to being able to unlock an object by a different thread than it was locked by.
> According manual page:
> 	„Calling pthread_mutex_unlock() with a mutex that the calling thread does not hold will result in undefined behavior.“
> So how does you do this work?
> Regards
> Claus
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