[MIB Designer] Adding objects to conformance groups

Frank Fock fock at agentpp.com
Thu Aug 5 01:08:24 CEST 2004

Hi Murali,

You can add all relevant objects of your module to
an OBJECT-GROUP by using the "Choose" button
and then the "Add All" button of the then opened
shuffle dialog.

To add groups of your module to a conformance
definition, add an empty entry to the Modules
list of the conformance editor, select it, press the
"Edit" button and press "Choose" from the Manadatory
Groups panel.

Does this answer your question?

Best regards,

Murali Ganga wrote:

>Is there a way to add automatically add or (import) the 
>defined objects into conformance groups.
>Seems like there is an import object, but I could
>not add the current mib and choose objects to add.
>Is there a simpler way other than typing ?
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